This series of sermons began on July 6th, 2003 at Walnut Street Baptist Church, Hillsboro, Texas


1. John 20:30-31 The purpose of John's Gospel

2. John 1:1-5  The Deity of Jesus Christ

3. John 1:6-9  The Witness of John the Baptist

4. John 1:10-13 Believing in Jesus Christ

5. John 1:14  The Word was Made Flesh

6. John 1:15-18 Jesus the Eternal, Gracious, Declaring, Savior

7.  John 1:19-28  The Record of John the Baptist

8. John 1:29-34  John’s Identification of Jesus as the Son of God

9.  John 1:35-51  The First Followers of Jesus

10. John 2:1-11  The first manifestation of the Glory of Jesus.

11. John 2:12-25  Jesus manifests His authority at the Passover.

12.  John 3:1-8  Nicodemus seeks to enter the Kingdom of God

13.  John 3:9-13  The Importance of believing Jesus.

14. John 3:14-15  “The Serpent and the Savior”  

15. John 3:16  "The Love Of God for Sinful Men"

16. John 3:17-21 "Condemnation and Light"

17. John 3:22-25  "A Question about purification"

18. John 3:26-36 "John's Exaltation of Jesus"

19. John 4:1-15 “Living Water”

20. John 4:16-19 “Thirsting for Living Water”

21. John 4:19-24 “Proper Worship of God”

22. John 4:25-30; 39-42 “Telling others about Jesus”

23. John 4:31-38 “Harvesting Souls”

24. John 4:43-54 “Believing Jesus”

25. John 5:1-9 “Wilt Thou be Made Whole”

26. John 5:10-18 “The Persecution of Jesus”

27. John 5:19-23 “The Father, The Son”

28. John 5:25-29 “The Resurrection of the Dead”

29. John 5:30-38 “Jesus calls His witnesses”

30. John 5:39-47 “Search the Scriptures”

31. John 6:1-13 “Strengthening the Disciples Faith”

32. John 6:14-21 “The Power of Jesus”

33. John 6:22-35 “Asking the Wrong Questions”

34. John 6:35-40  “Seeing Jesus”

35. John 6:41-47 “The drawing of the Father”

36. John 6:48-59 “Eating the Flesh of Jesus”

37. John 6:61-71 “Will ye also go away”

38. John 7:1-10 “Can the world hate you?”

39. John 7:11-18 “Seeking Jesus”

40. John 7:19-24  “Keeping the Law of Moses”

41. John 7:25-31 “When Men Think They Know Something and They Don’t”

42. John 7:32-36 “People Who Will Not Be Saved”

43. John 7:37-38  “Jesus’ cry in the Temple”

44. John 7:40-53 “A Division among the People”

45. John 8:1-11 “A Woman Taken in Adultery”

46. John 8:12-20 “The Testimony of Jesus the Light of the World”

47. John 8:21-24 “Dying In Sin”

48. John 8:25  “Who is Jesus”

49. John 8:26-30 “The reasoning of Jesus”

50. John 8:31-32 “Putting Faith to the Test”

51. John 8:33-36 “Freedom from bondage”

52. John 8:37-47 “Having a Spiritual Father”

53. John 8:48-49 “Never Seeing Death”

54. John 9:1-7 “A Blind, Blind Man Sees the Light”

55. John 9:8-12 “A Blind Blind Man Sees the Light:  The Neighbors See a Change”

56. John 9:13-34 “A Blind, Blind Man Sees the Light: The Pharisees refuse to see”

57. John 9:35-41 “A Blind, Blind man sees the Spiritual Light”

58. John 10:1-6 “The Parable of the Sheepfold”

59. John 10:7-10 “Jesus the Door of the Sheep”

60. John 10:11-18 “Jesus the Good Shepherd”   Preached 5/15/05 at Walnut St. Baptist Church

61. John 10:19-21 “A division among the Jews”

62. John 10:22-30 “Jesus Tells the Plain Truth”

63. John 10:27-30 “Safe in the Hands of God”

64. John 10:31-42 “The Deity of Jesus questioned”

65. John 11:1-4 “Sickness for the Glory of God”

66. John 11:5-16 “The Love of Jesus for His friends”

67. John 11:17-27 “Martha Meets Jesus”

68. John 11:28-36 “Jesus Wept”

69. John 11:37-44 “The Resurrection of Lazarus”

70. John 11:45-46 “A Forced Decision”

71. John 11:47-53 “The Problem with Jesus”

72. John 11:54-57 “Looking for Jesus”