11:5-16 “The Love of Jesus for His friends”
I. Love, A
special close relationship with Jesus.
11:5) Now Jesus loved Martha, and her
sister, and Lazarus.
John has inserted in this story a
note to the reader. What Jesus does next
is not to be misunderstood. He lets the
reader know that Jesus loved Martha, Mary and Lazarus. This love is different from the love that
Jesus has for every human being. He
loved us all with a very powerful love.
It is a love that is unconditional.
He loved us even when we did not love Him. The love in this verse is a special love that
Jesus had for this family. It is a love
which He had for John who wrote this Gospel.
The verse says He loved Martha. Martha, earlier had shown more interest in
house work that listening to what Jesus had to say. But Jesus loved her. She was working so very hard to make things
comfortable for Jesus. She would do anything
for Him. She was a true friend of Jesus.
Jesus loved Martha.
Jesus loved Mary. Mary sat at the feet of Jesus hanging on His
every word. She will later wash his feet
with tears and anoint Jesus with very expensive ointment and will wipe his feet
with her hair. She cared more for Jesus
than anything on earth. Jesus loved
Jesus loved Lazarus. Lazarus opened his home to Jesus and welcomed
Him with open arms. Lazarus loved to
spend time with Jesus. Jesus loved
Before we leave this verse let me
ask you a question. Does Jesus love
you? Do you, like Martha, work with all
your might to help the cause of Christ? Do you, like Mary, spend as much of
your time as possible letting Jesus speak to you and do you hang on His every
word? Do you, like Lazarus, welcome
Jesus into your home and embrace Him there as a part of your daily life? If so then be assured that Jesus loves you
like He loved them. If you do not have
this close relationship with Jesus then draw close to Him now.
II. Love
sometimes does not look like love.
11:6) When he had heard therefore that
he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was.
Having firmly placed in our minds
that Jesus loves this family we may know that His actions in no way are harmful
or hurtful to this family. Jesus is
going to do for them that which is best. Love does just that. It always has the best interest of the
beloved in view.
My grandson, Caleb, was defiant one
day to his mother and father. His mother
took him into the next room and chastened him.
He cried and she made him lay down for a nap. To view that scene one might think that her
actions were mean and hurtful to her two year old son but the truth is that
such actions are love based. She loves
her son and wants what is best for him.
So sometimes love does not seem like love.
Jesus knows that there is great
sorrow in the heart of His dear friends but for their good and for the Glory of
God He acts out of love. He gave no indication to the messenger that He would
come to
III. Love,
overcomes fear.
11:7) Then after that saith he to [his]
disciples, Let us go into
Jesus now tells His disciples that
it is time to go back to
The faith of the disciples is not
tested in Perea.
The faith of the disciples is not strengthened in Perea
but in
11:8) [His] disciples say unto him,
Master, the Jews of late sought to stone thee; and goest
thou thither again?
The disciples express their concern
about this plan. They were not concerned
for themselves, or at least that is what they say, but for Jesus. The Jews had indeed sought to stone Jesus and
had tried to arrest Him. The disciples
question Jesus about the wisdom of such a move.
Jesus seems to have no fear of the Jews.
He seems to be so brave. He seems
to trust that His Father will take care of Him. It is for love of His disciples
that He must go back into harms way.
IV. Love
begets trust.
11:9) Jesus answered, Are there not
twelve hours in the day? If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth
not, because he seeth the light of this world.
11:10) But if a man walk in the night,
he stumbleth, because there is no light in him.
Jesus gives them the assurance that
they need. If a man walks in the day
time he will not stumble. If he walks in
the night he will stumble. Light is the knowledge of the truth and darkness is
ignorance of that which is true. Jesus
had work to do and would do that work in about 33 short years. He would not die before His appointed time.
God the Father would protect Him while He went about doing His Father’s will.
With this light, that is to say, this knowledge of truth Jesus could go right
into the
As long as we are doing the will of
God we have nothing to fear. He has promised that He will never leave us not
forsake us. Do not fear men, fear God. Doubt springs from darkness which is
ignorance of the truth. Doubt cause the child of God to stumble. Walk in the light of truth God is able to
deliver you and to provide for your every need.
More sure than the rising and
setting of the Sun is the fact that Jesus will not die before He has
accomplished all that the Father has sent Him to do. You will not live one more minute longer or
shorter than God intends. You have a
work to do for God in this life and you must redeem the time. Take advantage of
every minute of every day. Walk in the light of this truth; that God will take
care of you as you seek first His Kingdom.
V. Love
begets comfort.
11:11) These things said he: and after
that he saith unto them, Our friend Lazarus sleepeth;
but I go, that I may awake him out of sleep.
Jesus now lets His disciples know
that Lazarus is dead. Jesus knows
everything. He did not have to be told
of the sickness nor of the death of Lazarus.
He is God and God knows everything. Death to Jesus is no more permanent
than sleep. To raise one from the dead
is no more difficult for Jesus than for you and I to awake someone from sleep.
Jesus is the almighty God. He is able to do anything. He can calm the winds and the waves, He can
feed thousands with five loaves and two fishes, He can heal the sick, give
sight to the blind, cast out demons, and raise the dead. He can even save the souls of lost men. He
can not be killed. If He is to die He must lay down His life for men have no
power over Jesus Christ the Lord. Men have no power over the Lord’s people but
what God allows them to have.
11:12) Then said his disciples, Lord, if
he sleep, he shall do well.
(John 11:13)
Howbeit Jesus spake of his death: but they thought that he had spoken of
taking of rest in sleep.
11:14) Then said Jesus unto them
plainly, Lazarus is dead.
His disciples misunderstand Jesus.
They take His words literally. He said sleep so they thought He meant sleep. I
am glad that the scriptures record such things as this. The disciples often
misunderstood the things Jesus said and the thing He did. It is comforting to
me that I am not alone. I often scratch
my head at the words and deeds of Jesus.
Jesus tells them plainly that
Lazarus is dead. He is as dead as can be.
He is not in a comma and they have not mistakenly buried him. He is dead indeed. This must be understood. Death is like sleep to the child of God. It
is said of Stephen when He was stoned that he fell asleep. Sleep is not
permanent it lasts only for a time and then it is ended by an awakening. Death
for the child of God is death but it is not permanent. There will be a
resurrection day.
(John 11:15) And I am glad for your sakes that I was not
there, to the intent ye may believe; nevertheless let us go unto him.
Jesus tells His disciples that He
was glad that He was not there when Lazarus was sick and dieing. Had He been
there they would have expected Him to heal Lazarus. But Jesus has waited these two days for a
very good reason. He is firmly establishing in everyone’s mind that Lazarus is
dead, completely dead. His disciples still have a problem with their faith.
They are still weak in their faith. They have proved this even in this text for
they fear what will happen to Jesus if He goes back to
They do not believe that Jesus is
God. If they did they would have no fear
of men. They would be able to sleep
though the ship be tossed by the storm.
They would not puzzle over how to feed so many with so little. They
would go boldly wherever
VI. Love
begets sacrifice.
11:16) Then said Thomas, which is called
Didymus, unto his fellowdisciples, Let us also go,
that we may die with him.
Thomas is to be admired here. He is
willing to die with Jesus. His words are brave but when they are but to the
test Thomas will forsake the Lord as will all of the disciples. Thomas is called Didymus. This word means
“twin.” It is supposed that he had a twin brother and thus he was called twin.
What ever the reason he is designated as that Thomas and not another of the
same name. It is that Thomas which will later say “Except I shall see in his hands
the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and
thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.” Such lack of faith
after all that he had seen Jesus do is inexcusable.
Jesus is going to raise Lazarus from
the dead. His disciples need to know that Jesus has power over death. The grave
can not hold God’s children. The grave
can not hold the only begotten Son of God either. If they will but have faith
and walk in the light of this great truth they will have nothing to fear. There
will be no need for tears. No one is
going to take the life of Jesus from Him, He will lay it down voluntarily. He will give His life that all may be saved.
Jesus will die but not now, not on this occasion. Thomas loved the Lord and I
believe that by going with Jesus into