MBA of Texas
Churches with a vision... Holding forth the word of life.
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Walnut Street Baptist Church
Walnut Street Baptist Church serving God in Hillsboro, Texas. Paul Clark has been pastor at WSBC since November of 2002. View our Website and check us out on Facebook.
A Bible-based education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.
Pine Springs Baptist Camp
Pine Springs Baptist Camp
Laneville, Texas
A place where kids meet Christ.
American Baptist Association
The American Baptist Association is a group of independent Baptist Churches that have chosen to work together to help reach the World with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Click View Details.
Harold Davis, ThD 1928-2010.
Bro. Davis was a faithful servant of the Lord. He was my pastor for 18 years and greatly influenced my walk with the Lord. He also taught at TBI for 29 years and his impact on so many will only be fully measured in Glory.
Paul Clark, ThD Pastor, Walnut Street Baptist Church
Bro. Clark and his wife, Janie, have been married since December of 1973. They have 3 children and 20 grandchildren. He has been a minister of the Gospel for over 25 years.
His book on the Song of Solomon
Tribman: A fictious blog about the great Tribulation and beyond
Ray Williams, ThD 1940 - 2019
Bro. Ray Williams was the pastor of Unity Missionary Baptist Church in Longview Texas for 43 years. He was a graduate of Texas Baptist Intitute in Henderson Texas where he earned his Doctorates degree.
Ray O. Brooks, ThD President of Texas Baptist Institute & Seminary
Has pastored Longbranch Missionary Baptist Church since December 1953.
Paul Owens, ThD 1942-1992
Bro. Owens was the pastor of Walnut Street Missionary Baptist Church for 18 years.
Harmon M. Hunt, ThD 1938 - 2009
Bro. Harmon Hunt after earning his Master of Theology Degree in 1972 became a state missionary and by 1981 he had organized and pastored the Faith MBC (now Crestview BC) and Hope MBC (now Sublett Road BC) in Arlington, Texas.