Matthew 7:12 The Golden Rule


Introduction:  Perhaps you are more familiar with another wording.  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  Lest you should think this shorter way is superior, remember that Jesus gave the wording of the text.


I.  The connection to the preceding statements.

            A.  The word, therefore, points to a connection.

                        1.  The word means “because of.”

                        2.  This would be a connection easy to overlook if Jesus had not pointed it out.

                        3.  One still must look carefully to see it.

                        4.  The connection is to Matthew 7:4-11.

            B.  Because God is so good to you, you do good to others.  “All things whatsoever ye would, …” etc.

            C.  Please note:

                        1.  Jesus did not say, “Whatsoever men shall ask of you.” 

                                    (He knew that they can ask more than you can do.)

                        2.  However He did say, back in Matthew 5:40-42:  If any man sues to get your coat, give him

                                    your cloak also.  If he asks you to go one mile, go two.

                        3.  The difference is that in the Golden Rule, Jesus instructed:  Do not wait for one to ask. 

                                    “Whatsoever ye would … do ye.”


II.  What the principle of the Golden Rule is not.

            A.  It is not:  “What men do to you, do to them.”

                        1.  Some Christians live by this standard.  (If you do good to me, I will do good to you.  But if

                                    you do not do good to me, I will not do good to you.)

                        2.  That is not the standard set.

            B.  It is not:  “Do dirt to them before they can do it to you.” 

            C.  It is not:  “What you would hate for others to do to you, you do not do to them.  (One might say,

                        “I would not want one to curse me, spit upon me, slander me nor murder me, therefore I will

                        not do so to him.”


III.  What the principle of the Golden Rule is.

            A.  I will do to the other person the good things I would want him to do for me.  (If I were in need, I

                        would want him to help me, so I will help him;  I would want him to speak kindly to me so I

                        will speak kindly to him.

            B.  And the principle covers all circumstances of life.  (“All things,” etc.).


IV.  The Golden Rule, the basis or the Law.

            A.  In the first part of the verse Jesus connected the Golden Rule to God’s goodness to us.  (“therefore”).

            B.  In the latter part of the verse He connected it to the Law.

                        1.  It is the basis for the Law.

                        2.  He said this again in Matthew 22:37-40. 

                                    (If he loves others, he will want to do good for them.)


V.  The Revolution the Golden Rule would bring.

            A.  If everyone practiced it this would stop all adultery, fornication, stealing, defrauding, slander, gossip,

                        lying, deliberate harm, murder, abuse of others property, or taking advantage in any way.

                        1.  There would be no need of law officers, jails, courts, lawyers, judges, welfare programs,

                                    military forces, locks, labor unions, etc.  (There would be no unfair salaries or loafing

                                    on the job.)

                        2.  There would be no broken homes or divorces.  (There would be difference of opinion still,

                                    but no problems would result.)

                        3.  It would revolutionize our whole society.

            B.  We know that not everybody is going to practice the Golden Rule, but if only us Christians would do

                        so there would still be a great change.

                        1.  There would be a lot less squabbling among Christians.

                        2.  Christians would have a lot greater influence on the lost and greater numbers would be saved.

                        3.  The Lord’s churches would multiply manifold.

                        4.  We would probably be running above a thousand.


VI.  The principle as practiced by Jesus.

            A.  Jesus would not ask us to do something that He would not do Himself.

            B.  Jesus kept the Law and since the Law was based on this principle, we know He followed it.

            C.  For example:

                        1.  Jesus knew that if He were unsaved, He would wish for someone to save Him.

                        2.  Therefore, He died at Calvary that He might save others. 

                                    (And He did not wait for men to ask Him to go there.)

            D.  If He could justly force salvation on others, He would probably not even wait for them to ask Him

                        to save.


VII.  The motive for practicing the Golden rule is love.

            A.  Why should the child of God change his life so drastically?  Why should he want to? 

                        Why should he repay evil with kindness?

            B.  Love is the motive.

                        1.  If he loves God with all of his heart he will want to please God. 

                                    (It is not a matter of pleasing others, but pleasing God.)

                        2.  If he loves others as himself, he will want to do them the good that we would like done to us.



You may ask: “Does God expect that I can 100% do the Golden Rule.” 

The Bible answers that:  He expects you to try. 

I suggest three things to help you in that direction:

(1)  Remember the good things God has done for you.

(2)  Commit yourself to the task.

(3)  Ask Jesus each day for help.

Now to the unsaved:  No rule will save you.  Only Jesus can do that.  Trust Him right now.

To the saved who need a church home:  This is a good church.  We invite you to join us to worship and serve God.


Preached at Pleasant Hill M.B.C. 10-31-82 A.M.