Matthew 5:27-30 What Jesus Said About Adultery


Introduction:  In Verses 21-26 we heard what Jesus said about murder.  Today we hear what He said about adultery.  At least we hear part of what He said.  Matthew records two other events when he spoke on the subject which we will not now study.  Actually Jesus is discussing the Law.  He is pointing out that the Law is a lot more strict than most people realize.


I.  Adultery defined.

            A.  A modern dictionary defines it “Sex by a married person with someone he or she is not married to.”

                        1.  This definition is in keeping with Hebrew dictionaries.

                        2.  It differs from fornication in that fornication is sex between unmarried persons.

            B.  Hebrew men in Old Testament times had a loose interpretation of the Law.  (See verse 27).

                        1.  They admitted that if a married woman had sex with any man other than her husband, she was

                                    guilty of adultery.

                        2.  But they allowed themselves a lot more leniency.

                        3.  They could have sex with unmarried women and prostitutes.

                        4.  Only if they had sex with some other man’s wife did they commit adultery.

            C.  The Law of God had not permitted such a double standard. 

                        (What was adultery for the goose was adultery for the gander).


II.  Adultery as Jesus explained it.

            A.  Jesus said that if a man looks on a woman to lust after her, he has committed adultery as far as the

                        heart is concerned.  Verse 28

                        1.  It should be explained that Jesus did not condemn a husband looking on his wife to

                                    desire her.  Hebrew 13:4

                        2.  But Jesus does condemn all sex outside of marriage.

            B.  The point that Jesus made is that one does not have to run around with another woman to be guilty

                        of adultery.  (He can sit at home with his wife and commit adultery with the women on

                        the television set).

            C.  It is interesting that Jesus said nothing about a woman looking at a man to lust after him.

                        1.  Probably this is because a woman’s passions are not aroused by looking at a man’s body.

                        2.  But a man’s passions are aroused by looking at a woman’s body.

                        3.  Therefore a woman or girl who displays her body so as to cause a man to commit adultery,

                                    bears part of the blame.

            D.  The scanty dress, the sexy television and movies is a curse to our land.

                        1.  It is a thousand wonders that we have any decent young people.

                        2.  It is a thousand wonders we have any homes.

                        3.  There is no wonder there is so much venereal disease, rape, illegitimate babies, incest, child

                                    abuse and homosexuality.


III.  The seriousness of the sin of adultery.

            A.  Today people seem to take this sin so very lightly.  (It has become socially acceptable).

            B.  But Jesus saw it as a deadly sin.

                        1.  He said “If your eye offends pluck it out.” Verse 29

                                    a.  If your eye looks and lusts and causes the heart to commit adultery.

                                    b.  He said that it is better to live in life without your eye than to end up in hell.

                        2.  He said, “If your hand offends, cut it off.” Verse 30

                                    a.  The hand plays a leading role in flirtation that leads to the actual act of adultery.

                                    b.  It is better to go thru life without a hand than to end up in hell.

                        3.  What Jesus meant was that adultery can get such a grip on people that they will not repent

                                    of their sin and get saved.

            C.  Does Jesus literally want a man to pluck out his eye or cut off his hand?

                        1.  Maybe not, but He does want us to know the seriousness of the sin.

                        2.  If you are unsaved, it can lead you to hell.

                        3.  If you are saved, it can lead somebody else into hell.


Conclusion:  The one thing that this text should convince you of is that you need Jesus Christ.

1.  You need Him to save your soul.  You cannot go to heaven by keeping the Law because you cannot live that good.  You have already broken the Law.  Call on Him now for


2.  You need Jesus to help you live your life in a way that pleases God.  By His help you can be morally clean.  You can live a faithful life to your mate.  You who are unmarried can be pure.  You can shun dirty television, dirty movies, and even dirty language.

3.  You also need the aids which Jesus gave to you.  (The Bible to guide you; the church to strengthen and encourage you).


Preached at Pleasant Hill 5-23-82 A.M.