#173 Lu. 21:37-38 COMING TO HEAR JESUS Introduction: This text is a summary of the temple ministry of Jesus from the time of His arrival at the temple until He went from the temple for His last time. I. Jesus teaching in the temple each day Jews from all over the land of Canaan and from many foreign nations had come to Jerusalem to observe the annual Jewish Passover. The population of Jerusalem had suddenly swelled to several million people. Jesus and His disciples were in that group. From the time of His arrival at Jerusalem, Jesus went to the temple on a daily basis. V. 37, "And in the day time he was teaching in the temple..." That is, He was within the temple grounds speaking to the people there underneath the beautiful covered porches of the temple courtyard. He was not within the temple sanctuary where only the temple priests were allowed and where the common people were not allowed to go. Jesus was where the people were. The people were the ones He wanted to reach with His messages. Our text says that Jesus was teaching. That is, Jesus deliberately set out to teach certain truths of God to them. He wanted to help them to understand these truths and He sought to persuade them that those things were so. He wanted them not only to believe what He was saying but to act upon the truths. Our text does not tell us what Jesus was attempting to teach, but back in chapter 20 and verse 1 Luke says that Jesus "...taught the people in the temple, and preached the gospel..." Therefore, one of the most important things that Jesus was trying to teach the people and influence them to believe was the gospel message. He wanted them to be saved. The scribes and Pharisees taught the people that the way to get to heaven was by the keeping of the Law of Moses plus the many traditions of the Jewish fathers. In other word, they taught the people that they could only get to heaven by their own works of righteousness. Jesus taught them contrary to that. He taught them the gospel. He informed them that they could not get to heaven by their own works of righteousness, but rather they must trust in the Christ of God to save their souls. Salvation is not by one's own works of righteousness. It is by the grace of God and is received only through faith in the Christ. There must have been certain other truths which Jesus taught them, but whatever those other things might have been, the chief thing that He wanted them to know was how to get to heaven. II. Jesus staying in the Mt. of Olives at night (V. 37) "...and at night he went out, and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives." This does not necessarily mean that He spent every night out under the stars. He very well may have spent some nights that way. If so, this most certainly would not have been the first time. During the three years of His ministry Jesus had spent many nights out under the stars. But there were two villages on the Mt. of Olives which were located just about two miles from Jerusalem and Jesus had devoted disciples who lived there. Among others, Lazarus and his sisters lived there. This is the Lazarus whom Jesus had just recently raised from the dead. It is very likely that those disciples persuaded Jesus and His apostles to stay with them in their homes. But the point is that each evening when Jesus and the apostles left the temple, they immediately disappeared into the great crowds of people who filled the streets and made their way to the Mt. of Olives without the scribes and Pharisees knowing where they went. If the Jewish leaders had known where Jesus was spending His nights they would not have needed Judas to lead them to Him. But the Jewish leaders had no idea where He was spending His nights. III. The people coming to hear Jesus V. 38, "And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple, for to hear him." Then after Jesus and the apostles spent the night out in the Mt. of Olives, very early the next morning the people gathered at the temple to hear Him. They seemed to be certain that He would come and they were not disappointed. Every morning He was there bright and early. It may seem strange to you that these people were so attracted to Jesus when the most of them did not really believe that He is the Christ. No doubt, there were some of them who really believed from the very depths of their hearts that Jesus is the Christ of God, but many of these very same people were later in the crowd that demanded His crucifixion, and they most certainly could not have been true believers that Jesus is the Christ. Why would people who did not believe that He is the Christ be so much attracted to Him that they would get up extra early and come out to the temple to hear Him? Why was it that they would keep coming time after time, day after day? Why were they so attracted to Jesus? The answer is partly that they were attracted by His miracles. It is not that He was performing miracles in the temple. He wasn't. But He had most certainly done some very notable miracles earlier. About twenty miles back down the road at Jericho He had given sight to blind Bartimeus and another beggar. At Bethany, which was only about two miles back down the road away He had restored life to Lazarus after, who had been dead for four days. The answer is partly that they had been excited by His triumphal entry into Jerusalem. He had ridden into Jerusalem in the midst of thousands of people proclaiming Him to be the Messiah, the Christ of God. Even those who were not fully persuaded that He is the Christ had been caught up in the excitement of that event and joined in the shouting proclaiming Him to be the Christ. That excitement had not all worn off in the days which followed and they eagerly came every morning to hear Him speak in the temple. The answer is partly found in the words spoken about Jesus in John 7:46, "The officers answered, Never a man spake like this." There was never a man at any time in all the history of the world in any nation of the world who could speak like Jesus spoke. He spoke with the greatest knowledge. He spoke with the greatest certainty. He spoke with the greatest clarity of meaning. He spoke with the greatest compassion for the people. Never a man spake with such logic and such wisdom. Never a man spake with such power and persuasion. Never a man spake who could hold his audience spellbound as He did. So they came early to hear Him. They came anxious to hear Him. They came repeatedly to hear Him. They came and heard Him and He never let them down. He always spoke something worthwhile. IV. A question for you Now let me ask you: If you had been among those people who were gathered in Jerusalem to observe the Passover, would you have come out to the temple to hear Jesus? Would you have gone out to hear this man whom you had heard so much about? You have heard about His miracles. You have heard about Him feeding the five thousand with five loaves of bread and two fishes. You have heard about Him walking on water. You have heard about Him calming the waves of the storm. You have heard about Him giving sight to the blind, causing the lame to walk, healing even lepers. You have heard about Him raising Lazarus from the dead. Would you get up extra early and go out to see Him and hear Him speak? Or, would you prefer to sleep? If you had been present on that afternoon when Jesus rode into Jerusalem in the midst of thousands of people proclaiming Him to be the Christ. Would you go out to the temple to hear Him speak? Would you go to hear a man speak whom many people say is the very Christ of God, the promised Savior of the world? Or would you prefer to go and see some friend or relative instead? Would you go out to hear this man who holds everybody spellbound with the power and logic and wisdom of His speech? Would you figure that it just might be worth your while to listen to Him? And if you went one time, would you go back again and again? It would be easy for us to say, "Why most certainly I would go and hear Him. Jesus is the very Son of God and I would certainly want to hear the Son of God." But listen. You know now that Jesus is the Son of God, but if you had been there then, you might not know that. Many of those people did not know that. They just knew that Jesus was a miracle worker sent from God and that He was a mighty speaker. No man spake like He did. Would you go? The people who were there at Jerusalem and who went to hear Him are dead and gone now. But some of them are in heaven right now because they went to hear Jesus. They went to hear Jesus speak and they believed the gospel message which He preached and they trusted in Him as their Savior. They might could have been saved without ever personally hearing Jesus, but they could have never been saved without believing His gospel. They would be in the fires of hell right now if they had not believed His gospel. But they did go out to hear Him, they did believe His gospel and they did get saved. It is about 2,000 years too late for people of our day to go out to the temple and hear Jesus. That temple does not even exist today and Jesus has already gone back to heaven where He sits upon the throne of God. We cannot get up in the morning and come out to hear Jesus speak. We cannot go out to see the man who has all power both in heaven and in earth. We cannot go out to see the man who healed the sick and raised the dead. We cannot come out to listen to the man who speaks as no other man spake. We cannot listen to the one who has all knowledge and wisdom and who can hold us spellbound from start to finish. But we can do the next best thing. We can come to the house of God and hear one of God's preachers preach the word of God. It is true that the man of God who declares God's word today does not hold the power that Jesus holds. It is true that God's man does not have the knowledge and wisdom that Jesus has. It is true that He cannot hold us spellbound as Jesus would do if He were here. But the man of God can take the word of God and open up the word of God to us so that we can understand. Although his presentation of the word of God can never be as interesting and as exciting as it would be if Jesus were speaking, it is, never-the-less, just as true. Now please do not misunderstand. I most certainly do not mean that everything that any man of God says today is true. No preacher today knows everything and every preacher today is subject to being mistaken about something which he says. But the word of God which he preaches is true. You see, God's word is true whether it is written or spoken. The written word of God is just as true as the spoken word of God. So even though we cannot come to the house of God and hear the very Son of God speak the word of God, never-the-less, we can do the next best thing and come to the house of God and hear the word of God. We cannot hear those thousands of voices lift their praises to the Christ as He rides down the Mt. of Olives toward Jerusalem and toward the temple. But we can hear voices today which proclaim Jesus to be the Christ of God. We can hear the man of God as he stands in the pulpit of God and proclaims that Jesus is the Christ, the very Son of God, the Savior of the world. Then we can hear the voices of the Christians as they say, "Amen!" We can hear Christian after Christian say, "I believe that Jesus is the Christ. I have trusted Him as my Savior and He saved my soul. Then, too, somebody here can place our faith in Jesus and call on Him as ask Him to save him and keep him out of hell. One can trust in Him and become a real born again child of God. We can get off of that broad road which leads to hell and get on that narrow road which leads to heaven. I have done that. I went to the house of God back in Pensacola, Fla. when I was sixteen years old and I trusted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Jesus saved my soul. I have never regretted it. Since that time I have returned again and again to the house of God in many parts of the country to listen to the word of God. I consider it a joy to come and hear the word of God. I certainly enjoyed listening last week in our revival meeting. I never get tired of hearing the word of God. Also, since that time when I got saved God has called me to preach the word of God. Since God called me to preach I have returned to the house of God many times to preach God's word and I have never gotten tired of preaching the word of God. But even if I were not a preacher, I would return to hear the word of God. I do not come to the house of God today because I am a preacher. I come because of the Lord Jesus Christ who saved my soul. I love Him and I love to hear His word and I am glad that I can come and worship Him. Conclusion: I note that you, too, have come to God's house. You have come today to hear the word of God. I trust that you have already believed the gospel message and that you are saved. But if you are not saved, come today and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and trust in Him to save your soul. Come and be saved. If there are those here who are saved who have never stepped out to follow Jesus in baptism, then let me urge you to come this morning and present yourself to this church for Scriptural baptism. The Lord did not refuse to save you just because you have never been baptized. When you trusted Him He saved your soul. The Bible teaches that He wants all who are saved to be baptized. Won't you come? If there are Christians here who wish to transfer your membership to this church from another church of like faith and order, then come now. Come and unite with this church on promise of a letter. While we sing, who will come?