#99 Lu. 11:43 The Proud And Egotistical Pharisees Introduction: Jesus pronounced a whole series of woes against the Pharisees. Luke recorded most of them, but Matthew records some which Luke does not record. In our message last Sunday we studied the first woe on the list as recorded by Luke. Today we will study the second woe on the list. I call your attention again to the meaning of the word, woe. The word, woe, speaks of extreme pain and suffering. Jesus was pronouncing upon the Pharisees the future time of great pain and anguish for the Pharisees. He was talking about the time when the Pharisees would stand in judgment before Himself and they would be sentenced to a place of great pain and suffering. He was talking about everlasting pain and suffering. In our text today Jesus reveals at least one of the reasons that the Pharisees will be sentenced to such great pain and suffering. The reason that He gives in this text is their great pride and egotism. The words, pride and egotism, are not found in the text, but the conditions of pride and egotism are most certainly found there. I. What Jesus says about the proud Pharisees V. 43, "Woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye love the uppermost seats in the synagogues, and greetings in the markets." Luke here records two things which Jesus says about the Pharisees which show them to be filled with pride and egotism. First, Jesus said that they love the uppermost seats in the synagogues. Second, He said that they love the greetings in the markets. The term "uppermost seats in the synagogues' refers to the seats which were right down front. The Jews seated the congregation according to their social rank. Those with the least social standing were seated in the back of the auditorium. Those of the common rank made up the majority and they filled the center section. Those of higher social standing were seated toward the from. Those of the very highest social standing were seated on the very front. The Pharisees loved to be seated on the very front. They loved the seats which drew attention to their great importance. It was not likely to happen that a Pharisee was seated to the very rear of the auditorium. In those circumstances when one was seated about mid-way with the common people, he was very much offended. In our East-Texas vernacular, he was very much hacked off about it. A Pharisee was not satisfied to be seated just near the front with the more important people. He wanted to be seated at the very front where only the most important people would be seated. They loved the uppermost seats in the auditorium. Jesus also said that they loved the greetings in the market places. In Matthew's account, Jesus said that they loved to be called "Rabbi" in the market places. The word, rabbi, means "teacher." The Pharisees loved to go to the market places where it was not at all uncommon for them to be called "rabbi" or "teacher." They would have been pleased to be called "rabbi" any place. But they were especially pleased to be called "rabbi" in the market place where a lot of people could hear them addressed with such honor. They would be highly displeased if anyone should fail to address them as "rabbi" especially in a public place such as the market place. Whenever they were out in public anywhere they always wanted to receive the highest honors of anybody around. They loved to be honored. The especially loved to be honored in a public place such as a synagogue or market place. Why? Why was it that the Pharisees always wanted to be honored above anybody else? The answer is that he was filled with pride. He was egotistical. This was a common trait among the Pharisees. Almost without exception, the Pharisee thought of himself as being better than anybody else. He was especially better in religious matters. He thought he knew more about the Moses and about God than anybody else. He thought he knew more about truth than anybody else. He thought he lived closer to God than anybody else. He thought he was better than anybody else in the eyes of God. The Pharisee was a proud, self-centered, egotistical do-gooder and know-it-all. The Pharisees were highly honored among men. The people gave them the highest seats in the synagogues. They gave them the highest praises in the market places. But that did not cut any ice with God the Father. And that did not cut any ice with Jesus. Jesus pronounced woe on the Pharisees. There is one thing about it, the Pharisees would not receive the highest places of honor in heaven. And they would not receive the highest praises when they would stand before the Lord in judgment. Instead they would receive woe. They would never make it to heaven. They would receive woe. They would not hear the praises of God. Instead they would hear the most frightening words. They would hear themselves being sentenced to everlasting torment. The places of honor and the words of honor would all be over and nothing but anguish and woe would await them. They would be sentenced to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. II. What is wrong with pride Now let me ask you some questions: Why would Jesus pronounce such severe penalty upon them? What is wrong with being proud of yourself? What is wrong with tooting your own horn? What is wrong with patting your own self on the back? What is wrong with having a good opinion of yourself? What is wrong with feeling good about yourself? Isn't that what the psychologists tell you that you ought to do? Don't they all tell you that you ought to feel good about yourself? What's wrong with pride? Let me tell you what is wrong with pride. It was pride that caused Lucifer to rebel against God so that he is known to us today as Satan. Pride is the most Satanic of all sins. What's wrong with pride? Proverbs 16:18 says that pride goes before a fall. Pride caused Satan to fall. Pride has cause nations to fall. Pride has caused many men and women to fall. Pride even today causes many people men to fall. Psalm 10:2 says that the wicked in his pride persecutes the poor. It is the thief in his pride that takes that which rightfully belongs to another. He thinks that he is better than everybody else and that everything he sees and wants he ought to have. It is pride that causes the unsaved to reject Jesus as Savior and try to get to heaven by their own works. It is pride that causes the religious heretic to reject the word of God and think that his opinion is better than the word of God. It is no wonder that the Bible says that God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. It is no wonder that Jesus pronounced woe to the Pharisees who were lifted up in their pride. Pride can cause a boy or man to think that he is more handsome than just about any other woman in the world. It is pride that can cause a girl or woman to think that she is more gorgeous than just about any other woman in the world. Pride can cause a individual to think that he or she is smarter than just about anybody else in the world. It is pride that cause an individual to think that he deserves the very best and that it makes no difference how he gets it. It is pride that can make one think that de deserves to have more than anybody else in the world. It is pride that makes one think that he should be deprived of nothing in this world that his heart desires. It is pride that can cause an individual to reject the gospel message and try to get to heaven by his own works of righteousness. It is pride that doom and damn a soul to the everlasting fires of hell. It is pride that can blind a man's eyes to the danger that he is in. III. Pride, a danger to all The sentence of woe that Jesus pronounced upon the proud Pharisees should sound out a warning to all men to beware of pride. Even those who are saved can be lifted up with a measure of pride. The saved still live in their sinful fleshly bodies and they can be guilty of pride. They are saved and they can never be lost again because they are kept by the power of God, but they can think of themselves too highly. Galatians 6:3 says, "For if a man think himself to be something when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself." Some churches have been wrecked and ruined by one man or woman in the church being lifted up in pride and thinking, "Everything here in this church has got to be done just like I say." I dare say that not anyone here has gone to that extreme, but I also dare say that every Christian has been plagued by a little touch of pride at one time or another. It is something we have to fight and it is something that only the grace of God can help us to overcome. But the greatest danger of pride is in the life of the unsaved. He is in danger of letting his pride cause him to reject Jesus Christ as his Savior and going to hell without a Savior. How many unsaved people have felt the need of being saved, but they somehow associated walking the church aisle with being saved and they had too much pride to walk the aisle! How many unsaved people have heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and they said to themselves, "I know that is what the Bible says, but here is what I believe"! They think they know more about how to go to heaven than God does! How many people desperately need to turn to God in repentance of their sin, but they say, "I haven't done anything wrong. I am good enough to make it just like I am." How many people hear the warning about the fires of hell, but they laugh it off and say, "If there is a hell, I'll worry about that when I get there"! The jails and penitentiaries are filling up with men and women who are lifted up in pride. But what is worse, the fires of hell are filling up for the same reason. Conclusion: If you want to be saved then I appeal to you to humble yourself before God and call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to save your soul. If you are saved and you want to serve God then humble yourself and call upon the Lord to show you the way that He would have you to live.