#82 Lu. 10:17-20 A BETTER REASON FOR REJOICING Introduction: In our previous text Jesus sent out seventy preachers. They were to go to the cities and villages which Jesus would later visit. In our text today we see them all return to Jesus and they are all rejoicing. I. The return of the seventy V. 17, "And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name." Jesus had sent these men to preach in places where He, Himself intended to later go and preach. The messages which they would preach and the people they won to salvation would help to prepare for the time when Jesus would come to those same places. The people of each place would all get to talking about Jesus and would be anxiously awaiting His arrival. Therefore when Jesus did come, they would all go out to see Him and hear Him. Their ministry in those places were great publicity for the coming of Jesus. However, it appears that these preachers did not stay in those villages and cities until Jesus got there. Instead, after a relatively short visit at each of the places which were assigned to them they all returned to Capernaum from whence Jesus had sent them out. Once they arrived, they, of course, reported in to Jesus. In reading Luke's account you might get the impression that all seventy of them arrived back at Capernaum at the same time, reported in at the same time and that the Lord spoke to them all at the same time. I am sure that the Lord could have arranged for them to all get back on the same day if He had wanted to. However, it is most likely that they arrived back and reported in at different times. It is very possible that Jesus waited until they all arrived to give them counsel all at one time. II. The joy which they expressed at their return But now note what they all talked about when they returned. Luke says that they returned to Jesus all excited about being able to cast demons out of people. I can envision one team coming in and saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us through thy name. When any demon possessed person was brought to us, we just commanded that demon in your name to come out and immediately he came out! It was fantastic, Lord! Oh, we wish you could have just seen us, Lord! It was great!" They did not seem excited about somebody believing the gospel message and getting saved. All they wanted to talk about was being able to cast demons out of the demon possessed. Then another team would come in and it was the same story all over again. Of course, they did not all speak the very same words, but they all said essentially the very same thing. They were overjoyed that they were able to cast out demons. Now, of course, they gave Jesus the credit. They did not try to take the credit for themselves. They said, "The demons were subject to us through thy name. Now, Lord, we know that we did not have this power on our own. It was all done in your name and we know that it was your power that cast the demon out. But it was just great, Lord, to be able to speak the words and watch your power go to work." And so it was with all the other preachers as they came in. They all rejoiced that they were able to cast out demons through the name of Jesus. III. The Lord's own experience of casting out Satan V. 18, "And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven." What Jesus is talking about here is an event that took place before man was ever created. That event is described in Isaiah 14:12- 15 when Lucifer, one of the mighty angels of God led a rebellion against God. Lucifer and those angels which followed him made war against God in heaven and the angels which were true to God. Lucifer was cast out of heaven and cast down to the earth. Listen to the words of this passage, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit." Jesus was saying in effect to those preachers, "I can identify with what you are saying. I can understand your joy. I experienced a similar joy myself. I can recall the time when Lucifer rebelled. It is for this reason that Lucifer is now known as Satan and the angels which followed him are known as demons. I can remember when I had to give the command and Satan was cast out of heaven and came down like lightening to the earth. I know what it is to feel the joy of victory over evil." IV. Other great powers which the Lord would yet give to them Then Jesus went on to tell those men that so far they had only seen a small portion of what He was going to do in displaying His mighty powers through them. V. 19, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Jesus said that not only had He given them power to cast out demons, but that in the time to come He would give them power to walk on poisonous serpents without being hurt. The idea is that even if they should be bitten by these snakes it would not hurt them. The same was true with scorpions. Even if scorpions should sting them they would not hurt them. Furthermore, all of the power of the enemy would not be able to hurt them. Something similar to this is mentioned in Mark 16:18. Now let me point this out to you while we are on this matter, this kind of miraculous powers would not continue to abide on believers down through the ages. If it had, then nothing would ever hurt any believer in any age. But the truth of the matter is that relatively soon the Lord began to remove the miraculous protection and many of His disciples were persecuted and put to death. None of those miraculous powers named in this text are in effect today. Not until the Two Witnesses, mentioned in Revelation, will any believer have such miraculous powers again. V. A better reason to rejoice V. 20, "Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven." Jesus told those preachers not to rejoice because they were able to cast out demon spirits. Now if this were the only thing to consider, it would, indeed, be something to rejoice in that they were able to cast out demons. Demons cause a great deal of suffering for those whom they possess. They bring some terrible afflictions. The demoniac of Gadara became a wild, violent man who was driven from his home and from his family to live in the tombs. He cut himself with stones inflicting severe wounds to his body. On several occasions he was captured and chained by the people of the area. But it was not until Jesus cast the demons out that he had any peace of mind. One young demon possessed man who was brought to Jesus by his father suffered seizures and was prone to throw himself in the water or in the fire whenever he got near it. There almost had to be some measure of satisfaction and joy on the part of anyone who could cast the demons out and bring relief to the people whom they possessed. But those preachers were rejoicing in the wrong thing. There was most certainly something far more important than the fact that they could cast out demons. Jesus told them to rejoice that their names were written in heaven. VI. The greatest reason for rejoicing today What do people rejoice the most about today? Some young men rejoice that they played on the winning team. Some rejoice that the love of their life has say "Yes" to a proposal for marriage. Some rejoice that they have landed a good paying job. Young ladies rejoice because they have finally married their dreamboat. They, likewise, rejoice when at last their baby is born and is in good health. The politician who has just been elected rejoices that he won over his opponent. The worker on the job rejoices when the week-end comes and he gets a little respite from his job. The carpenter rejoices when the house or building is finished or when it is sold. There are many reasons in this world to rejoice. But there is no joy in this world that compares to the salvation of the soul. It is the joy of having a great heavy burden taken away. There is no burden carried by the human heart that is heavier than the burden of one's own sin. When one is saved a great burden of guilt is lifted and taken away. It is about like having the weight of a house lifted from your chest. Having this burden lifted should bring great joy. It is also the joy of having a great fear relieved. It is fearful thing to know that you are headed for hell. It is true that we cannot know as yet just how horrible hell really is, but we do know that it is horrible. When one is assured that he is saved and is secure in the arms of Jesus his fears are calmed and great joy swells up within his heart and soul. It is the joy of having one's name written in heaven. In the olden days the citizens of each city had their names written in a register. This identified them as citizens of that city and of the country where that city was located. It was a matter of great pride for the citizens of the great cities to have their name written on the register of that city. It ought to be a matter of the greatest human joy to have our names written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Having our names written there identifies us as being citizens of Heaven and assures us that one day we will dwell in heaven. It is the joy of having great fellowship. Once one is saved he has fellowship with God. True, it is only a limited fellowship at this time. But the time will come when we will have full and unbroken fellowship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It is the joy of having great wealth. It is not the wealth of silver and gold, but is far more valuable than silver and gold. We are heirs of God and a joint heir of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Rom. 8:16-17. Knowing this should give us great joy. It is the joy of being on the winning side. You see, some day every demon spirit will be cast out of every human being. Some day Satan, and all of his demons will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and will be tormented there forever and ever. The Devil's side is going to lose and God's side is going to win. Even though that final victory has not yet come, it is already a joy---it is already a tremendous joy---to know that you are on the winning side. It is the joy of having wonderful friends and associates. It is having saved people as comrades and friends. It is having the people who are the salt of the earth as close friends. It is the joy of loving and being loved. One who is saved loves everybody, but he has a special love for those who are saved. All the saved are in one great big spiritual family. We love them and they love us. It is a love that is strong and lasting. Furthermore, we not only share love with God's people, but we share love with God Himself. We love God and God loves us. There is never a reason for a child of God to feel unloved. I might add: it is very seldom that any child of God feels that he is unloved. He would have to get in a very badly backslidden condition to feel unloved. VII. The other side of the coin But let us turn that coin over. For those who are still unsaved there is great distress. There is the great burden of guilt of sin that he carries every day. With his mouth he may say, "I have never done anything very bad," but in his conscience he says, "Oh, yes I have. I have sinned against the Almighty God of heaven and earth." You cannot get away from that fact. To remain unsaved is the distress of fear. We talked already about how disturbing fear can be. Every day that the unsaved person lives he is in danger of plunging into the fires of hell before that day is over. Every breath that he takes may be his last. He is but a heartbeat away from the pit of hell. To be lost in sin is the folly of waste. It is wasted time and wasted effort or labor. The unsaved person works and earns and accumulates possessions in this world. But every day that he works and accumulates more, his life is drawing closer and closer to an end. His health will soon be gone and his life here on earth will soon be over. The wealth that he has accumulated will all be left behind and he will have nothing. All of his earthly possessions will be left behind and he will be a pauper forever. It is the folly of facing everlasting torment. In hell there will be no relief. There will never be an end. There will be untold agony forever and ever. It is the folly of losing all joy. Once an unsaved person draws his last breath he has also experienced his last joy. He will remember the good things and the good times that he used to have back on earth, but he will never experience one joy again forever. Let me ask you a question: Which had you rather have? Had you rather have a life of earthly pleasures for a little while and then have nothing but hell for evermore or would you rather have joy unspeakable and full of glory right now and then the wondrous riches and joys of heaven for evermore? I don't know about you, but I know which I had rather have. I had rather be saved than have anything else on this earth. If I were given one billion dollars right now it could not possibly bring me as much joy as being save brings to me. VIII. Some reasons why the unsaved put off salvation A lot of people imagine that if they were to get saved they would live a miserable life here in this world. So, to avoid the misery that they have imagined they just don't get saved. So what happens? They live in misery in this world and then they live in far greater misery in the next world. They miss out on the joy the greater joys they could have in both worlds as a Christian. What I am going to ask you to do this morning is to make sure that your name is written in heaven. Repent of your sin and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to save your soul. You do that and I will guarantee you a home in heaven. No there is a better offer than that. You repent of your sin and very sincerely ask Jesus to save your soul, and the Lord, Himself, will guarantee you a home in heaven. You will stay out of hell and you will go to heaven. Conclusion: Who will come this morning and ask Jesus Christ to save your soul? Who will step out and get this very vital matter settled with God? What saved person here will come and present yourself to this church for membership? What member of Pleasant Hill will step out and say, "I want to dedicate my life more fully unto the Lord"?