#72 Lu. 9:21-22 THE COMING SUFFERINGS OF JESUS Introduction: Let me tell you something. I had rather have the privilege of preaching this sermon than anything else in this whole world. The possibility that somebody unsaved and on the road to hell may come to know Jesus Christ in this service and be saved is a thrill to my heart. Also the possibility that someone who is saved may be drawn closer to God is a thrill to my heart. In our previous text Jesus presented His disciples with two questions. He asked them first whom the general public say that He is. The primary answer was that the people say that He is John the Baptist. There were some, however, who say that He is Elijah. Still others say that He is one of the other Old Testament prophets come back to life again. Jesus then asked His own disciples whom they say that He is. The apostle Peter spoke for them all. He said, "Thou art the Christ of God." Our text today takes up at that point. I. The disciples instructed not to tell that Jesus is the Christ V. 21, "And he straitly charged them, and commanded them to tell no man that thing." This seems at first a rather strange command. It would seem to us that Jesus would say to those disciples, "The great masses of people have a misconception of me. They have failed to understand that I am the Christ. It will now be your mission to cause them to change their mind. It will be your task to inform them just who I really am. Get out and tell everybody that you see that I am the Christ of God." But instead Jesus said, "Don't tell a soul that I am the Christ. Don't breath a word to anybody. I am, indeed, the Christ, but for the time being I want that to be our secret. Don't you dare to talk about this with anybody outside of our own little group." I want to point one thing to you right here. If the people had really wanted to be saved they could know how to be saved. Jesus was not trying to keep people in the dark about Him being the Savior of men. He was not trying to keep people from being saved. To the contrary; He had come to seek and to save the lost. If men wanted to be saved, they could repent of their sin and trust in the promised Christ of God without knowing that Jesus is that Christ. That is what the apostles had done. They had heard John the Baptist preach that the Christ was about to come and that they should repent of their sin and they did so. They repented of their sin and they trusted in the Christ who as about to come. Then John the Baptist had pronounced openly for all to know that Jesus is the Christ. He said of Jesus, "Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world." The problem was that most people in Israel did not want a Christ who would save them from their sin. Rather they wanted a Christ who would save their nation from the Roman government. If anyone among the great masses of people wanted to be saved from their sin, they could trust the Christ to save them from their sin. Then God would help them to understand what John was talking about when he said that Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. God would help them to put two and two together and to understand that Jesus is the Christ of God----that He is the Savior and that God the Father had sent Him. That is what happened to the apostles. They trusted in the Christ before they ever had any idea that Jesus is the Christ. Then they heard John the Baptist say that Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Then God the Heavenly Father, through the working of he Holy Spirit, helped them understand that Jesus is the Christ. He helped them to understand that Jesus is the One who had saved them from their sin. In Matthew's writing when Simon Peter spoke up and said, "Thou art the Christ" Jesus responded and said, "Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona, flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father." John the Baptist identified Jesus as the Christ, but it was God the Heavenly Father who helped Simon Peter to know that what John said was so. God the Father is the one who revealed to Peter that Jesus really is the Christ. Now if anybody---anybody out among the masses of people had trusted the promised Christ to take away their sins and thus to save them from their sin, they, too, could come to understand what John was talking about. They could now understand that John was really identifying Jesus as the Christ. God the Father would reveal it to them in the inward man as He had revealed it to Simon Peter. Yet it was not necessary to first trust in the promised Christ and be saved before he could know that Jesus is the Christ. If anyone out among the masses of Israel had wanted to be saved from their sin, there was plenty of evidence from the Old Testament Scriptures to identify Jesus as the Christ. They could see that the Scriptures had prophesied what the Christ would be doing and they could see that Jesus was doing those things. The truth of the matter is that Jesus was so clearly identified by the Scriptures as the Christ that even if nobody ever told them that Jesus is the Christ, they should have been able to easily see that He is. In fact about the only way they could fail to see that He is the Christ is for them to deliberately close their own eyes to the truth. And that is what had happened to the great masses of people. They were not interested in a Christ who would save them from their sin. They were interested only in a Christ who would save them from the Roman government. II. Why Jesus commanded to the disciples not to tell that He is Christ Another thing I want you to see right here is why Jesus told His disciples not to tell anybody that He is the Christ. For one thing, He did not want the great masses of people to renew their effort to crown Him as their king. Perhaps you will remember that after He had fed the multitude with five loaves and two fishes that great crowd of people tried to take Him by force and crown Him as king. They would have gladly accepted Him as a Christ who would be their king and supply them with their every material need and who would use His miraculous powers to rebel against the Roman government. Jesus put a stop to their efforts to crown Him on that occasion. However, it would not take much effort on the part of the apostles to stir up the people and arouse in them anew their desire to crown Jesus as their king. I repeat. They would have gladly accepted a Christ who would drive out the Romans and cause their land to prosper. But Jesus had not come to drive out the Roman government. He had not come to sit upon the throne. He had not come make the nation of Israel to prosper from a material point of view. Jesus had come suffer. Jesus had come to suffer at the hands of the people of His own nation. He had come to die on the cross. John the Baptist had said that He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world and as the Lamb of God He must suffer and bleed and die. There was another reason that Jesus did not at this time want the disciples to tell the people that He is the Christ. The Jewish leaders had already become His bitter enemies. The chief priests and Jewish elders who served on the Sanhedrin Counsel had already decided that Jesus must be put to death. They had already counseled together seeking a way that they might put Him to death without arousing the masses of common people to hostility. The only reason they had not already attempted to take His life was the great popularity of Jesus with the common people. They were afraid to put Jesus to death without first finding some way of discrediting Him in the eyes of the common people. There were already a few of the people who were saying that Jesus is the Christ. Now if the apostles were to go about spreading the word that Jesus is the Christ there would be a renewed effort on the part of the Jewish leaders to put Jesus to death. Please understand that Jesus was not afraid of the Jewish leaders. He knew full well that the time would come for Him to yield to them and let them put Him to death. But the time had not yet come It was near at hand, but it had not yet come. Therefore, He did not want His disciples doing something that might cause a premature effort on their part to kill Him. So Jesus instructed His disciples not to tell anyone at this time that He is the Christ. III. The disciples informed about the approaching death of Jesus Having given the disciples instructions not to tell that He is the Christ, Jesus then proceeded to inform them about the suffering that lay ahead for Him. Like all other Jews, the disciples of Jesus expected the Christ to establish His throne in Jerusalem and to drive out the Roman armies. Since they knew that Jesus is the Christ, they expected Jesus to soon set up His throne and to drive the Romans out. Jesus set about to try to teach them that this was not about to happen. He informed them instead that He would suffer many things at the hands of the Jewish leaders. The Jewish leaders of that day would never accept Him as their king. Instead they were going to be the very ones who would bring about His suffering. V. 22, "Saying, The Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be slain...." It would normally be expected that in order for Jesus to be crowned king in Israel that the Jewish leaders must support Him. They must be for Him. But instead, it was the leaders who were against Him. It was the Jewish leaders who would bring much suffering upon Him even prior to His death. It is they who would arrest Him and falsely accuse Him. It was the Jewish leaders who would carry Him to the Roman authorities where He would be beaten unmercifully. It was the Jewish leaders who would stand before Pilate and incite the crowd to demand the crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus wanted His disciples to know that He was not going to Jerusalem to be crowned as King. He would be crowned alright, but He would not be crowned as King. He would have a crown of thorns placed upon His head in mockery. He would have those thorns beat down into His brow with a reed. He was going to Jerusalem to suffer. He was going there to die. He was going there to shed His blood that lost sinners could be saved. Without the shedding of blood there would be no remission of sins. There was no other blood in the world that could take away sins. If anybody anywhere living in any age would ever be saved Jesus would have to suffer. He would have to suffer the full penalty of man's sin in order to be their substitute. He would go to Jerusalem and He would suffer the full penalty of sins for everybody who would ever live in the whole world so that everybody could be saved. Jesus did not want His disciples to be caught off guard by His arrest and His crucifixion. He did not want them to be overwhelmed. He wanted to prepare them in advance for that dreadful event so that they would not be completely dismayed. IV. The disciples informed about the resurrection of Jesus Jesus did not stop by telling them only of His death. He went on immediately to tell them about His resurrection. (V. 22), "...and be raised the third day." They would not have long after His death to wait. After the third day, He would be raised from the dead. Death for Him would not end it all. Death does not end it all for anybody. There is life beyond the grave for everybody. Jesus would not only have life beyond the grave, but He would physically arise from the grave. He would bodily come back to life in this world. He would walk among His disciples once again. They should know in advance that He would be put to death, but they should also know in advance that He would rise again. If, by any chance Jesus would not rise again, there would still be no salvation for anybody. Without His death there would be no salvation, but likewise without His resurrection there would be no salvation for anybody. A dead man can save nobody. Only a living man can save. Jesus would come forth from the grave as a Living Savior, He would be able to save. As a living Savior, He can see those who are in need of being saved. As a living Savior, He can hear those who call upon Him and ask Him to save. As a living Savior, He can cleanse them from every sin. He can send the Holy Spirit to produce the new birth. He can protect them by His mighty power. He can make sure that they never never never go into the fires of hell. He can make sure that they will go to heaven. Let me tell you something this morning. If God had wanted Jesus to go to Jerusalem to proclaim Himself as King in Israel, there is no power in this world that could have stopped Him. And from the human point of view, that would have been the thing to do. It would have certainly been more desirable to go to a throne than to go to the cross. If any one of us had been in His place, we would have already chosen the throne rather than the cross. I am confident that I would have; wouldn't you? But thank God that Jesus loved us enough to choose to go to the cross and to suffer in our stead so that we might be saved. I am glad also that He did not stay in the grave. I am glad that Jesus arose from the grave and that He lives today. Conclusion: Listen! How would you like for every sin that you have ever committed to be taken away so that you may stand before God in judgment as though you had never committed those sins? How would you like for all the sins that you ever will commit to be washed away so that you may stand before God in judgment as though you had never committed any sin of any kind in all your life? How would you like to go to heaven in spite of the fact that you fully deserve to go to hell? That is exactly what Jesus is offering to do for you. But it is a time-limited offer. You will not have this offer forever. If you are going to take advantage of His offer, you must do so while there is time. Won't you lift your heart to Jesus in prayer right now and ask Jesus to have mercy on your soul? Won't you put your destiny in His hands? I did. Back when I was sixteen years old I bowed my head and I asked Jesus to save my soul and to keep me out of hell. Won't you do the same thing today? I hate to be so frank with you but you either must trust in Him or you must go to hell. It's one or the other. Which will you choose? Will you choose Jesus or will you choose Hell fire? Listen, Christians! How would you like to serve the One who some day will sit upon the throne and rule the whole world? He will, in fact, rule the whole universe. How would you like to go to work for Him right now and spend the rest of your life working for Him?