#47 Lu. 6:38 LEARNING TO GIVE Introduction: In our previous text Jesus gave three commands. He commanded us to judge not, condemn not and to forgive. He also gave us an incentive for obeying each of these commands. For instance, He said, "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged..." I would say that this is a pretty good reason to learn not to judge. Wouldn't you? Jesus said, "...condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned..." I would also say that this is a pretty good reason not to condemn. Wouldn't you? He said, "...forgive, and ye shall be forgiven..." I would say that this is a good reason to learn to forgive. Wouldn't you? I. Another command from Jesus In our text today, Jesus gives another command. He said, "Give..." Earlier He said, "Forgive..." and now He says, "Give..." There seems to be a deliberate play on words in order to catch our attention. The instruction to give as issued here in this verse does not refer primarily to giving to support the church. It refers primarily to giving to people who are in need. The term "give," however, is broad enough that it could include giving to support the church, but the context in this passage shows that is not what is primarily under consideration in the verse . Now the Scriptures do teach us to give to support the church. The very fact that the church had a treasurer is proof enough that the members of the church were to contribute to the financial support of the church. The Apostle Paul said that the churches of Galatia helped to support him on the mission field. This shows that those churches received offerings from their membership and that, among their other expenses, they helped to support Paul on the mission field. Let me say to you that each member of each church has a responsibility to help to carry the financial load of the church in which he holds membership. He should do this on a regular basis. Then, as he is able to do so, he is at liberty to support other causes in addition to his local church. But no church member should expect the other members of the church to pay all of the bills on a local basis in order that he may be able to support some project off somewhere else no matter how worthy that project may be. Each and every member should help to carry the load on a local basis. This, of course, does not mean that each and every member ought to give the same dollar amount. Each person or each family should give as the Lord has prospered, and this means that those whose income is more should contribute more into the treasury of the church. Each member ought to be able to contribute something. That is, with a very few exceptions, each and every member ought to be able to contribute something to the support of the local church. If he has only one dollar, he is able to contribute a dime to the church. And let me say to you that the person who has an income of only one dollar and gives a dime to the church, has given as much proportionally as the person who has an income of one hundred dollars and gives ten dollars or has an income of a thousand dollars and gives one hundred dollars. What I am saying is that some can give more than others in dollars and cents and they ought to do so. But that does not excuse anybody from giving something to support the church. Giving to support the church is giving to the Lord and everybody ought to give something to the Lord. The Lord gives to everybody and everybody ought to be able to give to the Lord. Let me say also that one who gives less in dollars and cents but gives just as much proportionally, has no reason whatsoever to feel inferior to those who give the larger sums. Also, one who gives more in dollars and cents has no reason to feel superior to those who give less. On rare occasions, it just could be that somebody may not be able to give anything. For instance, if one is without a job and has no income at all, then this is an exception and he ought not to feel bad that he cannot give at that time. But such times of complete inability to give are rare in the Christian's life. They may come, but they are rare. Thank God that such occasions in our lives are rare. Thank God that there are not my times in our lives when we have absolutely nothing coming in and nothing to give to the Lord. Thank God that most of the time we do, at least, have something coming in and something to give. So while this verse is not primarily talking about giving to the support of the church, never-the-less the principle set forth here in this verse applies also to church giving. What Jesus is primarily talking about in this passage is our personal dealings with other people around us. Jesus here is primarily talking about learning to give to others who are in need. If we are not careful we will live our lives with a view to having everything coming in and little or nothing going out. This is true even when a person is as honest as the days are long during daylight saving time. We will pay our bills because we owe them and we will give to the church because we love the Lord and want to support His cause, but, if we are not careful, that is all we will do. If we are not careful we will not give one thin dime to those around us who are in need. Oh, maybe I have overstated the matter just slightly. Perhaps we will reach out a helping hand to the members of our family or to our close neighbors or close friends when they are in need. But this is not what Jesus is talking about. Jesus is talking about helping people whether they are family members or not. Jesus is talking about helping people whether they are close friends or close neighbors or not. For example, the Good Samaritan on the Jericho road helped a man who was a perfect stranger. He picked the man up, washed his wounds and bound them up. He put the wounded man on his own animal and carried him into town to an inn. He got a room for this stranger in the motel. Then he told the motel manager, "When I come back I will pay the bill for his room and board." That is a classic example of the kind of willing generous spirit that Jesus is talking about. Give! Give to those who are in need! Give out of a willing spirit. Do not give grudgingly. And give generously. Do not be chinchy with your giving. Give generously. Now a few weeks ago when I preached from another text about giving I sounded out a warning to you. I warned you not to give cash money to those whom you do not know. It just might be that all they want is enough money to go to the liquor store and buy a bottle of liquor. Or, they might even want just enough that they can go to the grocery store and get a bottle or extract with a high alcohol content or to the drug store to get a bottle of beef-iron-wine. I have known of a few who would drink even wood alcohol if they could not get anything else. When I was in Longview I was called to the home of a man who had drunk wood alcohol and he hovered between life and death for about three days before he ever regained consciousness. There is no need to give them the money to buy alcohol. If they are hungry, they will be glad to accept food. If they tell you they are hungry but insist on money instead of food, they are just lying. All they are after is alcohol. Let me issue another warning to you that I said nothing about in that earlier sermon. Not every so-called "charity" is charity. Not every group who sends you a letter through the mail appealing for funds is worthy of your support. It is against the law of the land for any group to solicit funds through the mails unless that group actually support the causes that they claim to support. But the United States postal authorities cannot police everybody that uses the mails asking for your money. You have to use some good judgment of your own. Furthermore, even the law of the land allows that organization to use a huge portion of the monies that are sent in to pay the salaries of their personnel. Some of those organizations pay out most of your money to their own personnel and the people who are in need get very little of it. I hasten to say that this is not true with every charity, but you had better know something about the charity group that you support even when is operating within legal bounds. I am not saying that you should not at all support a public charity fund. I am just saying that if you are going to soak very much of your money into it, then you ought to take the time to do a little investigating to find out something about it. So help strangers carefully and help the public charities carefully, but the very best charity work that you can do is to look about you and find people that you know who are in need and help them. For instance, if you know a family who is out of a job and could use a little help, dig down in your own pocket and help them out. Even there, the Bible urges us to use a little caution. In II Thessalonians 3:10 we are told that if a man can work and just will not work then neither should he eat. You are not obligated to God to feed that man. Rather you are instructed not to feed him. That is why I say that one of the best and safest ways of helping others is to look about you and help those whom you know and whom you know to be in need of your assistance. There is another example I would cite you to concerning those who are in need. There are people who face outrageous hospital and medical expenses. Most people have some kind of medical insurance whether it be medicare or something else. But the high cost of medical treatment and the high cost of medication today often goes far beyond what their insurance will cover. If you know of someone--anyone--around you with a lot of medical expenses, you can be reasonably sure that they could use some help financially. You may at least offer and if they do not need your help they will let you know. Even in this I must offer you some caution. There are those who get some kind of governmental assistance. Be careful not to endanger that assistance by the financial l help that you give. Yet with all the caution that needs to be given in the exercise of our assistance to those who are in need, perhaps the greatest caution of all is this: Brethren, let us not sit idly by and render no assistance at all to those who need our help. Let us help in whatever way we can. Let us help as much as we can in keeping with the need of the party in need. There is at least one other thing I should mention regarding the need of others around us. In the case of some of them, what they need is not money. Jesus said, "Give..." and He was talking chiefly about giving money. However, it just could be that what some people need is not money. It could be that what they need is some of our time and attention. I feel very confident that there is somebody around you who needs your help in this respect. I am not necessarily talking about a child who needs an adult to take some time with him and show him some attention although I am sure that there are such children around. Please do not take for granted that they get all the love and attention they need at home. However, as I said, I am not necessarily talking about just the young. I have especially the elderly in mind. They are no longer able to be active as they once were and therefore they are left out of the mainstream of life. Most of them just hunger for somebody--just anybody--to take a few minutes with them and just listen to them talk. The other day my mother-in-law called me in and talked to me for a few minutes. When I started to leave she said, "Harold, I thank you for listening to what I have to say." I tell you, my friends, there are lots of older people who are starved to death for somebody to just listen to them for a few minutes. Along this same line, there a number of people who are left alone who cannot drive and some of who can but shouldn't. They need somebody to give not only their time but the use of their automobile to carry these people to town to the grocery store or to the drug store or to the doctor's office of somewhere. Some of them just need a friend who will phone and say, "We want you to eat dinner with us tomorrow." II. The incentive which Jesus gives for us to obey His command Jesus said, "Give..." and then He gave us an incentive for us to give. He said, "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again." In other words, you will reap what you sow. This is as it has been with the other commands that Jesus gave us. He said, "Judge not and you will reap what you sow. You will not be judged." He said, "Condemn not, and you will reap what you sow. You will not be condemned." He said, "Forgive and you will reap what you sow. You will be forgiven." Now Jesus says in effect, "Give and you will reap what you sow. There will be those who give unto you." But did you notice this: You will receive a lot more from others than you gave out. With whatever measure you give, you will receive that same measure back again plus considerably more. When it is given back to you it will be packed down and running over. You will get much more back that what you gave. Who will give to you? People will give to you. People will give to you, but not necessarily the same people to whom you gave. It may be somebody else altogether. You may never be repaid by those to whom you give. Don't worry about that. Somebody else will give to you. God will see to it that you get more in return than what you gave. You don't lose by giving. You gain by giving. You gain when you give to the support of the Lord's church. You gain when you give to the support of the Lord's cause out on the mission field. Some of our people have given to support Keenan Witcher and Randy Horn on the mission field. You did not lose by giving. You gained. You gain when you give to those about you who are in need. And you gain when you give of your time to help others who are in need. I will tell you, my friends, you will be the richer for it. In more ways than one, you will be the richer for it. You will be richer materially. Let me suggest to you that instead of working your way to riches that you l give your way to riches. But you will also be richer in ways that mean more than money. The Bible says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." The Bible does not say that it is not a blessing to receive. It just says that the greater blessing is in giving. Let me illustrate. Let us suppose that you give a pint of blood. Somebody will get that blood and it will be a blessing to them. It just might save their life. But it is a lot better for you to be on the giving end than to have to be on the receiving end. It is better to give blood to somebody in need than for you to be in need of blood. The same thing is true in any of the giving. It is better to be on the giving end than to be the one in need and on the receiving end. You just learn to give and the Lord will see to it that you receive and you will receive in a way that is far better. You will receive--not because you are in need--but because you have helped to meet somebody else's need. Try it; you'll like it. Well, most of you have tried it already and I think that you will testify that you do like it. Give! You will like it. Give more next time and you will like that even better. In fact, the more you give, the more you will like it. III. A change of subject But now allow me, please, to suddenly change the subject. I want to stop talking about you doing the giving. I want to talk to you about you doing the receiving. God has a gift that He would like to give to you who are unsaved. It is absolutely free. All you have to do is to be willing to receive it. And it is absolutely the most fabulous gift that you can even imagine. It is far more wonderful than to receive a free gift of one million dollars--or one billion dollars for that matter. I am talking about the gift of salvation. God is offering to see to it that you do not go to hell when you die and He is offering to give you a wonderful home in heaven. I repeat---it is absolutely free. It will not cost you one thing. You will not need to do one single thing to earn it. You cannot do one thing to earn it. What you must do in order to receive this gift is to believe that God's offer is genuine and trust in His promise that He will give it to you. It may sound too good too be true, but I can assure you by the very word of God that it is true. Listen to Mark 1:14-15, "Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel." You just turn to God in repentance and believe the good news --the gospel news--that God has sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to save your soul and you will be saved. To put it another way, you trust the promise of God concerning Jesus Christ and trust Jesus to save your soul and God will give you the free gift of salvation. Conclusion: I am interested in each of you learning to give as Jesus has commanded. If you will not give for the benefit of others, then give for your own benefit. However, I cannot do anything about it. You must do the giving. I am even more interested in you who are unsaved receiving the free gift of salvation. However, I am helpless to do anything about it. It is up to you to do something about it.