

    In our text for the first two Sundays John preached that men who

are saved should live godly lives.  In our text today John is

mistaken for the Christ.


I.  People looking for the Christ


     V. 15, "And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused

in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not."  From

the time that the Israelites went into captivity to Babylon they had

been ruled by the Gentiles.  That is, they had been ruled by one

Gentile nation after the other.

    The prophets of old had prophesied that it would be this way.

They prophesied that the Babylonians would rule them.  The prophesied

that the Babylonians would be overcome by the Medes and the Persians.

The prophets had prophesied that the Medes and Persians would rule.

The Medes and Persians would then be conquered by the Greeks.  The

Greeks would be divided and would eventually be overcome by the

Romans.  The Romans ruled over the Israelites at the time that John

the Baptist was preaching.

    The prophets of old has also prophesied that God would send His

Anointed One, the Christ as a deliverer to deliver the people from

Gentile rule.  The meaning of the prophecy is that in the long run,

the Christ would deliver them from the Gentiles.  They also

prophesied that the Christ would deliver them from their sin.

    In his prophecy about the seventy weeks Daniel told the exact

number of years from the time of the command by Cyrus allowing the

return of the Jews to Jerusalem until the coming of the Christ.

There would be four-hundred and eighty-three years to the coming of

the Christ.  That prophecy did not speak of the birth of Christ, but

rather of the beginning of the ministry of Christ.

    As the time drew near for the coming of the Christ, the

anticipation among the people grew high.  The people were expectant.

They were looking for the coming of the Christ.


II.  John viewed as possibly being the Christ


      When John the Baptist began his ministry in the wilderness of

Judaea the expectation of the people concerning the Christ was very

high.  It did not take long for the popularity of John, himself to

reach great heights.  Pretty soon people were flocking by the

hundreds to hear John preach.

    Our text says that many of the people began to wonder in their

hearts whether or not John was the Christ.  john was drawing the kind

of crowds that they would expect the Christ to draw.  He was

certainly a dynamic speaker.  And, since according to Daniel's

prophecy the time element fit, they began to wonder if the Christ

were not already here.


III.  John's answer to the people

    The people must have begun to express their thoughts to one

another and it got back to John.  V. 16, "John answered, saying unto

them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I

cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he

shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire."

    In effect, what John said was, "I am not the Christ.  The Christ

is coming after me."  The idea was that John was repeatedly telling

the people that he is not the Christ.  The Christ was yet to come and

would soon be coming on the scene.

    In this verse, verse 16, John presented some information about

the Christ which should convince the people that he is not the

Christ.  He pointed out that the Christ would administer a much

mightier baptism than he.

    John said, "I indeed baptize you with water."  That was no big

deal.  Almost anybody could baptize with water.  It was not difficult

at all to baptize a man in water.  All you would have to do is to put

him down under the water and bring him back up again.

    Back when I was a kid, we used to do that to one another in the

summer time down at the swimming hole.  Of course, we did not

administer Scriptural baptism.  John the Baptist was sent with God's

authority to baptize.  We kids had no authority to baptize.  So what

we administered was not Scriptural baptism.  But John's point was

that it did not take anybody special to baptize in water.  Just about

anybody could do it.

    But the kind of baptism that the Christ would administer was a

mighty act which only the Christ could do.  John said, "I indeed

baptize you with water, but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost

and with fire."

    The word, baptize, means to immerse.  When John baptized with

water, he baptized in the River Jordan.  He placed the candidate down

in the water so that he was completely covered with water.

    John said that Jesus would baptize with the Holy Spirit.

Literally Jesus would baptize "in" the Holy Spirit.  John said that

the Christ would immerse the people in the Holy Spirit.  He said

further that this baptism in the Holy Spirit would be accompanied by


    Now in all probability none of them understood at that time just

what John was talking about.  The did understand that he said that he

is not the Christ.  They also understood that Christ would baptize in

the Holy Spirit.  That is all they needed to understand right at that

time.  They did not need to understand how the fire would come into

the picture at this time.

    Later many of them would better understand what John was talking

about.  John was talking about what would take place on the y of

Pentecost when the Holy Spirit would come down on the church while

they were in the upper room.  The room would be filled with the Holy

Spirit of God and they would be immersed in the Holy Spirit.  The

whole group was immersed or baptized at one time.

    In addition to that the Scripture says that cloven tongues like

as of fire lit upon each of them.  They were not immersed in the

fire.  They were immersed in the Holy Spirit and the fire lit upon

each of hem.  All that were present were baptized in the Holy Spirit

and tongues of fire was upon every one of them.

    Now let me clarify a point at this time.  This was a one time

event.  Search the Scriptures as you may and you will not find

another event such as this.  You will not find when anyone was

baptized in the Holy Spirit and you will not find any event when

tongues of fire lit upon anyone.

    In verse 17 John presented a second reason why they should

believe that he is not the Christ.  V. 17, "Whose fan is in his hand,

and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat

into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable."

    Let me paraphrase what John is saying.  John is saying, "I am a

baptizer.  I am not a judge.  The Christ is your Judge."  John then

used an illustration that they were all familiar with to picture the

Christ as the Judge of all mankind.  John used the gathering and

threshing of wheat to picture the Christ as the Supreme Judge over

all mankind.

    At the end of the growing season a man will gather his sheaves of

grain to the threshing floor.  He will then beat those sheaves or use

an oxen to pull a heavy weight over them.  The grains would come

loose from the stalk and the husk would be cracked open.

    The wheat would then be tossed up into the air and the breeze

would blow the chaff away from the heavier grain.  If there was no

breeze fans would be used to make one.  The grain would be stored

safely in the barns and the chaff would be burned.

    What John is talking about is that he is not the Christ.  John

had come to preach repentance to the people and to preach the Christ

to the people.  John had not come to save anybody.  He had not come

to judge anybody.  Those jobs belonged to the Christ.

    It is the Christ who is able to save and it the Christ who is

able to judge.  The Christ will save all who repent of their sins and

who put their trust in Him.  But He will also judge those who will

not repent and trust in Him for salvation.  He will burn them in the

fire.  And note that John says that they will be burned in

unquenchable fire.  This is what the Christ will do at the end of the



IV.  The many things which John preached


    V. 18, "And many other things in his exhortation preached he unto

the people."  In other words, in addition to the things that Luke

told us in this book about John's preaching, there were many other

things that John preached.  But he preached all of these thing to

inform the people about the Christ who was soon to come.  And he

preached all these things to inform the people what God wanted them

to do in light of the coming of the Christ.

    Now what these other things were that John preached I do not

know.  What I would like to do is to go over some of the things once

more that we do know that John preached.

    John preached that the Christ whom God promised through eh

prophets of old was soon to come.  He was very soon to come.

    John preached that men are sinners and that they should repent of

their sin.

    John preached that men should believe in the Christ who should

believe in the Christ who was to come.  They were to put their faith

and trust--not in John--but in the Christ.

    John preached that those who repent and believe in the Christ

should be baptized.  The baptism would not save anybody, but it would

give a testimony to others that Jesus saves.  It would also testify

that the person baptized is saved.

    John preached that those who have been saved and baptized ought

to live godly lives.

    John preached that he is not the Christ, but the Christ would be

one who is mightier than he.  The Christ would baptize the church in

the Holy Spirit of God and would be able to cause tongues of fire to

light upon each of them.

    Further, John preached that all who will repent and trust in the

Christ, will be gathered into God's eternal storehouse and kept

safely throughout eternity.

    He preached that those who refuse to repent and trust in Christ

will burn in fire and he called it "unquenchable fire."  They will

burn forever in fire.