#118 Lu. 12:54-57 READING THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES Introduction: In our previous text Jesus spoke to His disciples about the fires of conflict that His coming had brought to the world. In our text today He speaks to the multitude of people about their inability to read the signs of the times. In particular He is talking about their inability to recognize that He is the Christ. I. Their ability to read the signs of the weather He first points out that they are able to recognize the signs regarding the weather. For instance, they could recognize a rain cloud coming when they see it. V. 54, "And he said also to the people, When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is." It just so happens that their rain clouds came from the same direction from which our rain clouds come. Most of our own rain clouds come to us from the west. Moisture is the form of clouds often comes to us from the Gulf of Mexico and is caught by a cool front from the north and moves in on us from a somewhat westerly direction. Sometimes our rain clouds come to us all the way from the Pacific Ocean. They are swept across Old Mexico by a jet stream and they come in upon us from the southwest. So it was with the people of Israel. The Mediterranian Sea lay to their west. The clouds of moisture from the Mediterranian would blow in upon them from their west. One could look to the west and see the clouds coming and say, "It's going to rain. We're about to get a shower. We are about to get a downpour." And they were right. It would rain just as they said. One did not have to be exceptionally brilliant to see that it was going to rain. Any dummy could see that. There were the rain clouds right there in the sky for them to see and they were getting closer and closer all the time. Sure it's going to rain. We know that much, don't we, when we see the clouds coming in from the west? Another sign of the weather which they could read was the sign of hot weather. V. 55, "And when ye see the south wind blow, ye say, There will be heat; and it cometh to pass." The desert lay to their south. In Scripture it is known as the Sinai Desert. In modern times it is known as the Negev. It was a very dry and very hot region. Any winds that swept over this desert would lose their moisture and would become hotter and hotter as they move along. By the time they reached Israel they would be very hot. So whenever the wind made a change to come from the south, the people would say, "Boy! It's going to be hot today. This is going to be a scorcher." And so it was. They were exactly right. The temperature would start climbing and the people would start hunting a shade. They knew they were in for some real hot weather. II. Their inability to read the spiritual signs of the time But those same people, who were so sharp in predicting the rain and predicting the hot weather seemed to be as blind as a bat in reading the spiritual signs of the times. V. 56, "Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?" The prophets of old had predicted that the Christ would come. They had predicted that He would be born in Bethlehem of Judea. They had predicted that He would come to Israel from the land of Egypt. They had predicted that He would do certain special miracles. For instance, they had predicted that He would cause the blind to see, the lame to walk, the dumb to speak and the deaf to hear. These were special miracles that only the Christ would be doing. Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea as the prophets had predicted. This was common knowledge among the Israelites. Joseph and Mary had not lived in Bethlehem, but they had been forced to go there by an edict from the Roman authorities. All this was common knowledge to the people. Jesus came to Israel from the land of Egypt as the prophets had predicted. Joseph and Mary carried Jesus to Egypt shortly after He was born in order to protect Him from Herod, who sought to kill Him. When Herod died, they returned to their homeland. The common people may not have known this at first, but after He became popular as a miracle worker, they would know it. They would dig up every little detail of information available concerning such a well known person. So by this time they knew. Jesus performed the special miracles as the prophets had predicted. He caused the blind to see. He caused the lame to walk. He caused the dumb to speak and the deaf to hear. In addition to this He performed other mighty miracles that should have awakened the people to the fact that He is the Christ. He healed lepers. This was something that no other man in all the world was able to do. On two different occasions He fed a multitude of people with a few little fish and a few little cakes of bread. He cast demons out of those who were demon possessed. He even raised the dead to life again. On one occasion He stopped a funeral procession and raised the boy back to life again. The people knew about the miracles. Many of them had been eye witness to some of the miracles. All of them knew about the miracles. The fame of Jesus had reached such great heights that there was not a man in all of Israel who did not know about Jesus, the miracle working man. Wherever Jesus went, great crowds of people gathered around Him. Even at this very moment as He spoke the words of this text, there was a great crowd of people gathered around. In addition to the great miracles there was the great preaching and teaching that Jesus was doing. They had heard great speakers, but they had never heard one speak like Jesus. Wherever and whenever He spoke men marveled at His teachings. They said, "Never a man spake like this." But in addition to all these signs which pointed out that Jesus is the Christ, there was another. There was the life and ministry of John the Baptist. God had promised in Old Testament times that He would send a special messenger before the Christ to prepare the way for the coming of the Christ. John the Baptist was that man. The people recognized that John was a great prophet of God and John the Baptist had declared that Jesus is the Christ. They should have believed John for John identified Jesus as the Christ. III. Why they were not able to read the signs Why was it then that the great masses of people did not realize that Jesus is the Christ? Why was it that they could see all these signs fulfilled and still fail to see that Jesus is the Christ? Why was it that they could see that the clouds from the west meant rain and wind from the south meant extreme heat, but they still could not see that Jesus is the Christ? This is the question that Jesus directed to them right here on this occasion. V. 57, "Yea, and why even of yourselves judge ye not what is right?" They could read the signs of the weather. Why was it that they could not read the spiritual signs of the times and know that God had sent the Christ to them as He had promised? Why is it that they could look to the west and see the clouds and say, "Rain is coming" and yet could not look at the signs and see that the Christ had come? Why was it that they did not know that Jesus is the Christ? Let us see if we can at least partially answer that question. In the first place, their own sinful flesh nature was rebellious to that idea. Like all men, they had inherited a depraved, wicked, sinful nature from Adam. The sinful nature of the unsaved man is opposed to the will of God and the way of God. The sinful nature of man always tries to get him to reject God's word and God's way and God's will. Therefore their own sinful nature inclined them to reject the truth of God that Jesus is the Christ. Furthermore, these people were accustomed to following the leadership of the scribes and Pharisees in religious matters and the Jewish leaders had almost unanimously rejected the idea that Jesus is the Christ. What they needed to was to listen to God instead of man and believe what God had to say on the subject. Still, yet, there was the influence of the Devil upon them. The Devil did not want them to believe that Jesus is the Christ and be saved. The Devil always tries to blind the mind of those who are lost so that they will not trust in Jesus Christ and be saved. Now it is not that it just never crossed the minds of these people that Jesus might be the Christ. There were some few among the masses of people who had read the signs and were already saying that Jesus is the Christ. Even the Samaritan woman, who met at the well of Jacob, was convinced that Jesus is the Christ and she said so. She went back into the city and proclaimed to all, "Come see a man who told me all things that ever I did, is not this the Christ?" If a Samaritan woman could read the spiritual signs and recognize that Jesus is the Christ, how much more the Jewish people should have been able to do so! IV. People of our day But now let us come down to our day and let us observe some things about own ability to read the signs. We can drive down the highway and read the road-signs along the highway and find our way from one city to another. How do we do this? We just read the numbers along the road so that we will make the right turns. Sure enough, the first thing you know, we reach our destination. We get to the right place. We are able to read the directions on the bottle of medicine that the doctor has prescribed and we are able to know just when and how much we are supposed to take. Some are able to take a pattern and a piece of cloth and make a beautiful garment for them to wear. Many can take a recipe and go into the kitchen and prepare a delicious dish to set at the table. Some are able to build automobiles and boats and airplanes. Some are able to build great buildings or great dams or bridges. They read the blueprints and build accordingly. But why is it that many of these same people have trouble seeing that they are sinners and headed for the fires of hell and that they need to turn to Jesus Christ for the salvation of their souls? Why is it that men have trouble believing the plain teaching of the Bible that Jesus is the Christ of God, the Savior of the world? Why is it that they have trouble believing the testimony of good Christians who testify that they got saved by trusting Jesus Christ as their Savior? Why is it that they have trouble believing the very Holy Spirit of God as the Holy Spirit of God who knocks at their heart's door and tries to impress upon them that they are lost and hell bound and that God loves them and wants to save them and keep them out of hell? Why is it that men have trouble believing that Jesus Christ is their only hope of staying out of the fires of hell and we insist on trying to reform their lives and live good enough to make it to heaven instead of trusting Jesus to save them? And why is it that when people tell them that Jesus is going to return to this world very soon that they have trouble believing them? The answer for them is the same as it was for the Israelites to whom Jesus directed His questions. In the first place, it is because of the sinful nature that they have inherited from Adam. The Bible declares that all have inherited this depraved sinful nature from Adam that inclines us all to go directly in opposition to the will of God. In Ephesians 2:3 the Apostle Paul said that we are all influenced greatly by the lust of our flesh and the sinful desires of our mind and that we are all by nature the children of wrath. To put it another way, we were all born sinners. We all came into the world with a sinful nature that inclines us to sin. Also, like the people of Israel, too many people today listen to the wrong people and let them do their thinking for them. Most of the Israelites were under the scribes and Pharisees and let the scribes and Pharisees do their religious thinking for them instead of looking at the signs and reading the signs for themselves. The world today is filled with religious leaders who preach and teach works for salvation. They preach that a lost sinner can change his own ways and straighten up his own life and that by his own efforts he can make it to heaven, but they are wrong. The only way that a lost sinner can get to heaven is by trusting Jesus Christ to do the saving. And understand this. Jesus does not help save anybody. He does not help a lost sinner save himself. It is only when the lost sinner will turn the whole job over to Jesus and let Him do the saving that Jesus will save. Then, too, there is the Devil who stands in the way. If you are lost, the Devil knows that you are lost and on your road to hell and that is just the way he wants to keep you. He wants you to stay lost. He wants you to go to hell and he will do all in his power to hinder you from trusting in Jesus and being saved. The Scripture says that he blinds the minds of the unsaved lest they should believe in Jesus and be saved. Now in some cases it just might be that one has never believed in Jesus for the salvation of his soul because he has just never heard the true gospel message. Even right here in this part of the world where there are so many churches up and down the roads. Yet there are still some who have never heard the true gospel message. They need not only to hear the gospel but to believe the gospel and be saved. But for the most part, it is not that the people have not heard the gospel. It is just that they have not believed the gospel. They can believe the highway signs and go from one city to another and get to the right place, but when they die they will not go to the right place. For most people it is not that they have never heard the gospel, it is just that they have never turned to Jesus Christ and trusted in Him to save their soul. They have never even asked Him to save them. They can see the rain clouds coming and they will get out of the rain, but they see hell coming and they make no preparation to stay out of hell. The wind can turn from the south and they know that it is going to be a hot day and they will do whatever is necessary to stay cool. But they see the fires of hell coming and they do nothing whatsoever to stay out of hell. They know to do and some of them know what to do, but they just don't do it. They know that they need turn to the Lord, but they just don't do it. Conclusion: I wish that I could preach to all those unsaved people in the world and tell them about Jesus Christ, my Savior. I trusted Him to save my soul and I wish that all of them would do the same. But I will never get to witness to all of them. What I can do is to speak to you. I am going to ask you to come and trust Jesus Christ today. I am also asking that those of you who are saved and who wish to unite with this church to come forward at this time. Come and present yourself as a candidate for membership in this church.