102 John 14:2-3 THE ASSURANCE OF A HOME IN HEAVEN Introduction: In our text last Sunday Jesus told His disciples, "Let not your heart be troubled..." Then He gave them a formula whereby they could be comforted in their time of deepest sorrow. They were to learn to trust God and to trust Jesus, the Son of God, no matter what their problems might be. If they would trust God the Father and trust God the Son to take care of their problems, they would find comfort. This is something that a Christian cannot do just all of a sudden, but it is also something that, if he tries, he can start learning to do. He will then have to work on it the rest of his life. In our text today, Jesus is still seeking to comfort to the troubled hearts of His disciples. He gives them assurance that no matter how much trouble they have now, they would at least have a home in heaven. This is something that ought to be of great comfort to the Christian. It helps to get your mind off the present troubles and let your mind dwell on the glories of heaven which is ahead. I. What Jesus said about heaven V. 2, "In my Father's house are many mansions..." The Greek word which here is translated "mansions" simply means "dwelling place." Thus he speaks of many dwelling places being in one house. Since the verse speaks of many dwelling places being within one house, many translators translate the word to mean "rooms" or "apartments." But the idea is this: God the Father dwells in heaven and within heaven God has many dwelling places. These dwelling places are for those who repent of their sin and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation. There are many such dwelling places in heaven. There is plenty of room for all. Here in this life, even as large as this world is, one can get crowded for space. He can occupy such a very small house that he has no more room to put any more people. Of he can occupy such a small piece of land that he has no space in which to enlarge his dwelling or his business. But in heaven God is not ever going to get crowded in for space. God has an abundance of room for Him to furnish dwelling places for all who will ever get saved and go to heaven. God is not going to get overcrowded and run our of space and be unable to house those who get saved. He has enough space and enough dwelling places that He could take care of everybody who ever lives if only they would all repent of their sins and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation. Take a look for yourself after you leave here this morning and again tonight. Look up into the sky and you will see that there is an abundance of space in the heavens and God owns it all. Actually every where up there is His dwelling place. In the known universe there are countless billions and billions of stars. If there is anything beyond the outer limits of the universe then God owns that space, too. Somewhere out there in all this great big universe or, perhaps, beyond the universe, is the place where God the Father Himself dwells. There is plenty of room up there for many, many spacious and beautiful dwelling places. People are fascinated today about space travel. Just you wait until you make your journey to wherever God dwells to live with Him in heaven and you will know something about space travel yourself. Jesus said, "In my Father's house are many mansions..." (V. 2), "...if it were not so, I would have told you..." Then He said, "If there was not such a place as this, I would have told you. If there was not sufficient room for you up in heaven with God the Father, I would have told you. I would not have allowed you to be uninformed about this important matter. I would not have allowed you to be misled with untrue information on such an important matter. I want you to know that heaven is real and there is plenty of room for you. There are many mansions there!" II. What Jesus said that He would go back to heaven and do The Lord's disciples had been all shook up because He had told them that He was going away. They acted as though they thought tat by going away He was going to desert them. Not all. The very opposite is true. He was going to prepare a place for them. (V. 2), "...I go to prepare a place for you." This does not mean that He would have to create a new place although He certainly could and that may be what He had in mind. But the language here does not indicate that it will be necessary for Him to create a new place. But the Scripture here does means that in that place which we call heaven, He would prepare a place especially for them. He would adorn it and make it especially beautiful for them. He would make it especially suitable for them. This is one of the main objectives that Jesus had in going away. There may be many other reasons for going away, but one of the main reasons was to prepare a place for His disciples. in other words, it was in their best interest that He not stay here on earth with them. It was in their best interest that He go away. He was going to return back to heaven where God the Father dwells and He would prepare a place there for them. I might ought to mention this. The place that He would prepare for them up in heaven He would only be a temporary place where their spirits would dwell while waiting for the resurrection. It would be a place especially suitable for spirits which have departed from their earthly bodies. But He would also prepare a place for them to dwell in after their spirits have reunited with their physical bodies have been resurrected from the grave. He, along with God the Father, have plans to renovate the earth which has been cursed with sin. They will burn up this earth with fire and get rid of all the scars of sin. It will melt with fervent heat and a whole new earth will come forth. By the time the new earth is made, Jesus will have completed the building of giant new city up in heaven. It is called in Scripture "the Holy City New Jerusalem." The throne of God will be placed in this new city. Then He will bring this entire Holy City New Jerusalem down to the new earth with God's throne in it. All of the unredeemed of all the ages will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where they will suffer forever. All of the redeemed of all the ages will then dwell forever in the new earth. All of this and more is involved in that statement which Jesus made to His disciples when He said, "In my Father's house are many mansions; I go and prepare a place for you." III. What Jesus promised that He would come back to earth to do V. 3, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." In this statement Jesus promised His disciples that if He went away from them He would come again and take them to Himself. I ask you to please note that the word "if" in this verse does not at all indicate doubt. Jesus is not indicating that He might not go away nor is He indicating that He might not come back. Rather He is expressing certainty. He had already said in verse 2 that He would go away. So that was certain. He would go away. What He was now saying was that just as certain as He would go away just that He would come back. He was promising that He would most certainly come back and that He would receive them unto Himself. According to I Thessalonians 4:13-17 Jesus would return from heaven and bring the departed spirits of His redeemed with Him and those spirits would re-enter their dead bodies and those dead bodies will come alive and come out of the graves. That is, all of the saved whose bodies are in the graves will come out of the graves and they will go up in their resurrected bodies to meet the Lord in the air. Likewise, all of the saved who are still alive on earth at that time will be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. That is, they will meet the Lord somewhere up there in space. The Scripture does not say that they will always remain up there in the air, but it does say "...so shall we ever be with the Lord," I Thes. 4:17. We will always be with the Lord and He is going to come down to live on earth and rule the world for a thousand years. That period of time is called "The millennium." The Devil will be imprisoned during the millennium and God's people are going to have one great big halleluiah time ruling and reigning with Christ. Then after the millennium is over that the Devil will be loosed for a little season, the earth will be burned up and the new earth will be formed. But the point that I want to make here is that the Lord Jesus Christ will come back to earth to gather His disciples with Him and they will be with Him forever. When He is on earth during the millennium, they will be with Him. After the millennium is over and He is in the new earth and is sitting upon the throne in the Holy City New Jerusalem, His beloved disciples will be with Him. They will be with Him there forever enjoying the dwelling places which the Lord has gone to prepare for them. IV. What I want you to see about those disciples Now I want you to get the picture. Those disciples of the Lord right at that very time were very depressed. But I want you to see that Jesus gave them something for them to be happy about. They believed that there is a God in heaven who is the owner and ruler of this great big world. He is the owner of all this great big universe. He wanted them to be reminded that God is able to take care of them no matter what may happen to them. Jesus wanted them to learn to trust in God no matter what happened. Furthermore, they believed that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, the Savior of the world. They had already trusted in Jesus to save their souls and He had. He had saved their souls. It is true that He was going away from them and they would miss Him. It would never be the same without Him. But they should know two important things. For one thing, He was not going away to forsake them. He was going away to work for them and to prepare a place for them in a better world. For another thing, just as surely as He would go away from them just that surely He would come back for them. If they should happen to be living at the time He returns they would be caught up in the air to meet Him. Their mortal bodies would be changed and glorified and they would be with Jesus forever in glory. If they should die before He returns, their spirits would immediately go to heaven and their bodies would go to the grave. Then when He returns, they would be reunited with their bodies and raised from the grave to go up and meet Jesus in the air. They would then be with the Lord forever. Now I know that as long as those disciples were thinking about the Jewish leaders and the fact that Jesus would be crucified and that He would go away their hearts would still be troubled. But if they would just get their minds on the great promises which Jesus made, their hearts would be comforted in spite of the terrible events which were about to happen. V. What I want you to see about yourself Now let me talk for a few minutes to you about you. I want to talk first about those of you who are saved. I do not have to tell you that you are living in a world of trouble and woe. If you let your mind constantly dwell upon the terrible things that are happening in this world and especially upon the terrible things that are happening around you and to you, you cannot help but be terribly disturbed. But if you can get your mind upon the fact that Jesus is preparing a better place for you and that He has promised to return to get you and take you to that place, then your heart will be comforted. You can, in fact, experience great joy in spite of all the troublesome things that are taking place in this world and in spite of your life. Now I know that you cannot help but let your mind be occupied with your troubles to some degree. You will never completely set your mind free of all your troubles as long as you live in this world. But with the help of God, you can set your mind on the great presence of God who is with now and the great power of God and the great love that God has for you. You can, to a great extent, set your mind on the fact that Jesus Christ, the very Son of God, came to this world to die for you on the cross of Calvary and to save your soul. You can be reminded that you have trusted in Jesus as your Savior and that Jesus has saved your soul. You can be reminded that one of these days all of your troubles will be over and that you will be with Jesus Christ in a better world. If you can get your mind on the good things which Jesus has in store for you the troubles which you face now will not seem as bad. You will know that everything will be alright one of these days. In the meanwhile you can know that Jesus loves you and that He has not forsaken you. He will help you even now in your time of trouble. But let me now speak for a few minutes to those of you who are unsaved. You, too, no doubt, are faced with problems in this life. Some of those troubles can be very painful. But there is no trouble which you have ever faced in this world which is as painful as going out of this world unprepared to meet God. You stand as a sinner in the sight of God and you need to confess your guilt unto God and seek forgiveness of your sins. You need to call upon the Lord Jesus Christ and ask Jesus to have mercy upon your soul and to save you from your sins so that you will not go out of this world into a far greater torment than you have ever experienced. Let me tell you what the Bible has to say about you. It says in Romans 10:13, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." In Acts 16:31 it says, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved..." In John 3:16 it says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." Conclusion: I am going to ask our musicians to come forward and lead the congregation is singing an invitation hymn. I am going to ask those who are saved and who have a need and a desire to come forward to step forward and let the Lord have His way with your life. I am going to ask that you who are unsaved and unprepared to meet God to come forth and trust the Lord for the salvation of your soul. Do that while we sing.