

    In our previous text the Apostle Peter preached his now famous sermon on

the day of Pentecost.  In our text today we read about the reaction of the

people toward his sermon and we learn what everybody in the world ought to do. 



I.  The guilty conscience of the people


    V. 37, “Now when they heard [this], they were pricked in their heart..” 

It would not have surprised me if this verse had read that they became very

angry at Peter.  In fact, it is very surprising that they were not angry with

them.  But they were not.  They were not angry at all. Instead, they were

pricked in their heart.  A deep sense of guilt had swept over them.  They were

pricked in their conscience.  They were pricked to the depth of their heart. 

    These people had played a major role in bringing about the death of Jesus

and Peter in his sermon told them that it was a wicked thing which they had

done.  He had accused them of committing murder.   He said that they had slain

the very Christ of God. 

    Furthermore the miracle of tongues which had taken place that very day of

Pentecost  gave evidence that the power of God was upon these Christians.  These

people spoke and people from fourteen different nations understood them in their

native language.  They were convinced that the Apostle Peter and his Christian

friends had the approval and blessings of God.  In addition, the Apostle Peter

had pointed out to them that the miracles which Jesus Himself had done was much

greater than the miracle of tongues and that those miracles gave evidence that

Jesus, whom they had crucified had the approval of God.  Peter told them plainly

that Jesus, the man whom they had slain, was the very Christ of God.  And he was

so convincing.  All the evidence that Peter called to their attention was so

convincing.  Peter had cited to them Old Testament Scripture to prove his point. 

He not only reminded them of all the mighty miracles which Jesus had performed

during His lifetime, but he had declared that God had raised Jesus from the


    What a tragic mistake they had made!  They had blindly followed the

leadership of the chief priests and other members of the Sanhedrin Council and

they had helped to bring about the crucifixion of the very Christ whom they had

hoped would deliver their nation from the Romans.   They thought:  “God has sent

the Christ to deliver our nation and we have crucified Him.”



II.  A  question asked in desperation


    They also thought,  We have angered God.  We have offended God by

crucifying the Christ whom He has sent.  We are in big trouble with God.  What

in the world are we going to do?  What can we do?”

    Then they cried out to Peter and to the other apostles.  (V. 37), “...and

said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men [and] brethren, what shall

we do?”  Let me say to you that they are now headed in the right direction. 

First of all, they are disturbed to the very heart that they have sinned against

God.  They were disturbed that by their sin, they had offended God.

    Let me say to you that every sin offends God.  Men ought to be disturbed

about their sin.  We all ought to be disturbed about our sin.  The sin that we

have committed offends God.  It disturbs God.  It angers God.  I know that

nobody present here this morning participated in the crucifixion of Jesus as

those people had done.  But we have all sinned and sin of any kind and of any

size offends God.  God is a High and Holy God who cannot tolerate sin of any

kind.  When Adam ate that forbidden fruit it offended God.  When anyone of us

stretches the truth and tells a lie, it offends God.  If and when we tell a

dirty joke, it offends God.  If and when we take something that rightly belongs

to somebody else, it offends God.  Even when we do not take the other person’s

property, but merely covet and wish it were ours,  it offends God.  When we lust

sexually after somebody we were not married to, even though we never perform the

deed, we offend God.  When have opportunity to do good to others and fail to do

it, it offends God.  When the day of worship of comes and we choose not to go to

church, we offend God.  When we fail to show the proper respect for our father

or mother we offend God.  Let me tell you that each and every one of us have

done some many many sins that we have good reason to be pricked in our hearts. 

Our conscience ought to bother us deeply.  We have good reason to bow our heads

in shame. 

    Let me also point out to you that when those people became deeply pricked

in their heart, they were headed in the right direction, because that direction

could lead them to repentance of sin and forgiveness of sin.  And when one of us

is deeply pricked in the heart because of his sin he is headed in the right

direction because that deep feeling of guilt before God can lead him to

repentance of sin and forgiveness of his sin. 

    When they inquired of the disciples what they ought to do to get right

with God, they were also headed in the right direction.  By inquiring of the

disciples they were turning to the right source for counsel and advice.  They

were not turning to the scribes and Pharisees for an answer to this question. 

They were not turning to the political leaders for the answer to this question. 

They were turning to the people of God who could give them the word of God and

who could give them their own personal witness of Jesus Christ the Savior. 

    Let me tell you that when unsaved people are willing to turn to God?s

people for the answer to their spiritual questions, they are heading in the

right direction.  These are people who, like themselves, have also sinned

against God, but have turned to God in repentance and have received forgiveness

of their sins.  They are able to say, “Here is what I have done to receive

forgiveness of my sins and here is what God requires of you.  I repented of my

sin and I called on the Lord Jesus Christ and I trusted in Him to save my soul. 

Now you need to do the same thing.” 

    The problem is that so many people who really desire to go to heaven is

that they turn to the wrong source to get the answer to their question.  They

turn to the philosophers who may have brilliant minds, but who have the wrong

answers.  They turn to the scientists who have made great advances in scientific

knowledge, but who know little about spiritual things.  They turn to the

politicians to whom they are accustomed to turn to solve many of the problems of

society, but many of the politicians do not have the answers to man’s spiritual

problems.  But what they need to do is to turn to the born again people of God

who serve God in a good scriptural New Testament church to find the answer to

their spiritual problems.  These are the people who can give them the word of

God and who can give them their own personal testimony of faith and trust in

Jesus Christ, the Son of God. 


III.  Peter’s answer to their question


    Those Jews in our text had turned to the Apostle Peter and to the other

Christians for spiritual counsel and the Apostle Peter was quick to give them

the right answer.  But before we take note of the answer that Peter gave to

them, let us take another look at the question which they asked. 

    They asked, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?”  They did not ask, “What

shall we do get saved?”  The question which they asked was much broader than

that.  It included the question, “What shall we do to get saved,” but it did not

stop there.  It also included the question, ”What shall we do to please God

after we are saved?”  Can you see that?

    With that understanding of what the question really is, let us look to the

answer that the Apostle Peter gave them.  V. 38, ?Then Peter said unto them,

Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the

remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.?

     If they had asked only, “What shall we do to get saved?” then that is all

the Apostle Peter would have told them .  He would have only told them how to

get saved.  But what the Apostle Peter told them answered more than the

question, “What shall I do to get saved?”  Peter told them that they ought to

get baptized.  This is something that they ought to do after they get saved. 

The Philippian jailer asked the Apostle Paul the question, ?What shall I do to

get saved?? and the Apostle Paul did not tell him that he must get baptized in

order to get saved.  Instead, Paul told that jailer, ?Believe on the Lord Jesus

Christ and thou shalt be saved...?  After the jailer believed in Jesus then Paul

talked to him about baptism and baptized him.  But the jailor was not told that

he must be baptized in order to get saved.  He did not need to get baptized in

order to get saved and neither did those people to whom Peter preached.   

    Peter did tell these people that they must repent in order to get saved. 

This is in harmony with what Jesus had earlier said.  In Luke 13:3 Jesus said,

?...except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.?   Jesus repeated that same

statement in verse 5.  What Jesus said is that unless a man --- any man  ---

repents of his sin he will perish.  He will not go to heaven.  But what Jesus

implied is that if a man does repent he will not perish.  He will be saved and

he will go to heaven. 

    Yet we should understand that the person who is on his way to heaven has

trusted in Jesus Christ as  his Savior.  Nobody could ever get into heaven

without trusting in Jesus as Savior.  In John 14:6 Jesus said, ?I am the way the

truth and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.?  True repentance

always brings true faith in Jesus Christ, the Savior.  So if one has truly

repented he has also truly believed in Jesus Christ and he is truly saved. 

Listen to what is said in John 3:18:  ?He that believeth on him is not

condemned...?  If he is not condemned, he is saved. 

    So if one has truly repented of his sins, he has also trusted in Jesus as

Savior and he is already saved.  If he has trusted Jesus for salvation then he

is saved whether or not he is baptized.  He is saved whether or not he ever gets

baptized.  But that does not alter the fact that if he is saved, he ought to be

baptized and that is what the Apostle Peter told those people that they ought to

do.  They ought to repent of their sin and trust in Jesus in order to get saved. 

Then they ought to submit to scriptural baptism at the hands of a New Testament


    Baptism is not at all necessary for forgiveness of sin and for the

salvation of the soul, but it is necessary for the saved person to be baptized

if he is going to do what God wants him to do.  God not only wants a man to

repent and be saved, but he wants him to be baptized.  When one is baptized, he

is telling the world by that act that he has trusted in Jesus Christ for

salvation and that Jesus has saved his soul.  He is further telling the world

that he intends to live his life for the honor and glory of God.


III.  What everybody ought to do and questions that everybody ought to answer


    That is what every person ought to do.  That is what every man, woman, boy

and girl in the world ought to do.  Each and everybody in the world ought to

repent of his sin.  He will never make it to heaven if he does not repent of his

sin.  Along with repentance and as a result of his repentance he ought to

believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior.  He ought to trust in Jesus

Christ to save His soul.  And if he truly repents of his sin he will trust in

Jesus to save his soul.  But he ought not stop with getting saved.  Each and

everybody in the whole wide world ought to get baptized after he is saved.  God

wants everybody to get saved and God wants every saved person to get baptized

and get into the membership of a good New Testament church.  This is what God

wants and this is what everybody ought to do. 

    This means that there are some questions that everybody in this

congregation ought to answer this morning.  I do not mean that you ought to come

before this congregation and tell everybody the answers to the questions, but I

do mean that in your heart and mind you --- just between you and God --- you

ought to answer these questions.     Question #1:  Are you aware that you have

sinned and that your sins have put you in trouble with God?  Are you aware that

unless you repent of your sins to God that you will not go to heaven?  Are you

aware that unless you repent of your sins and get forgiveness of your sins that

you will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where you will spend


    Are you aware that by repenting of your sins and trusting in the Lord

Jesus Christ for salvation that you can be saved?  Are you aware that the

Scripture says, ?Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved??  Are

you aware of Romans 10:13 which says, ?For whosoever shall call upon the name of

the Lord shall be saved?? 

    There is another important question for you:  Have you ever called on the

Lord Jesus Christ and trusted Him to take care of your eternal destiny?  If you

have never trusted in Jesus to save your soul, are you ready now here this

morning to call on Him and to ask Him to be your Savior?  If so, would you come

and make your let it be known publicly that you are trusting Jesus Christ to

save your soul? 

    If you are saved and you need a church and would like to place your

membership in this church, would you come and let your desire be made known?