Matthew 6:1-6 Real Righteousness


Introduction:  The word “alms” in verse 1 would be better translated “righteousness.”  If you were to decide to live a righteous life, what would you do?   I am not talking about what you would stop, but what you would do.  Would you start going to church?  Start praying?  Start giving to the church?

            In Jewish life the Jew would start (1) giving alms, (2) praying publicly, (3) fasting.  The point that Jesus made is that one could do these things without real righteousness and without the approval and blessings of God.  He specifically gave warning about hypocritical alms giving, verse 2, hypocritical praying, verse 5, and hypocritical fasting, verse 16.


I.  About alms giving. Verses 2-4

            A.  The hypocritical Pharisees would blow the trumpet and make a great display of his generosity,

                         verse 2.

                        1.  They did this to get the attention and praise of men.

                        2.  Jesus said “they have their reward . . . in full.”

            B.  Jesus suggested that one should give alms (gifts to the poor).

                        1.  But it should be done out of the right motive. 

                                    (To please God, glorify God, and help fellow man).

                        2.  It should also be done in the right manner. 

                                    (In a manner that does not call attention to self).

            C.  God will honor and bless the one who gives out of the right motive and in the right manner.

            D.  While giving to the Lord and to church is not an alms, yet we can learn a lesson about giving at


                        1.  Give to glorify God and not self.

                        2.  God will bless when we give that way.


II.  About praying. Verses 5-6

            A.  The hypocritical Pharisees loved to pray in a way that would bring praises to themselves.

            B.  Jesus said that God would not answer such prayers.

            C.  Jesus taught that if we want our prayers to be heard of God and answered by Him then

                        we must pray to be heard by Him and not to be heard by men.

            D.  Jesus taught that one’s private prayer life should be kept private.

                        1.  One should enter into his closet (private room) and pray privately to God.

                        2.  This referred to a special room in each Jewish home where the family could meet for

                                    prayer in privacy. 

                        3.  The Pharisees had such rooms, but preferred the public places that they might be seen.

            E.  It should be noted that Jesus is not teaching against public prayer.

                        1.  The New Testament abundantly teaches public prayer, especially in church capacity.

                        2.  But even the public prayer should not be for the purpose of being heard of men, but

                                    rather to be heard of God.


III.  The main point that Jesus was making.

            A.  His point was that we are not to do righteous deeds to be seen and praised of men; we are to

                        do rightly, but it is to be in order to please God and glorify Him.

            B.  We are to regularly attend church, but we are not to do it to build our own reputation.

            C.  We are to pray constantly.

                        1.  We may even engage in public prayer.

                        2.  But we are to be careful to direct our prayer to God and not to be heard of men.

            D.  We are to give at church and we are to give to the poor.

                        1.  But our giving should be out of a love for God and a love for fellow man.

                        2.  It ought not to be out of a love for the praise of men.

            E.  We are to sing the great hymns of worship, but we are to sing for God’s honor and glory and

                        not for our own honor and glory.

            F.  Whatever we do in the way of righteous deeds should be to honor and glorify God and not self.



            1.  The one we are to be concerned about is self…not others.  Some get so concerned that there

                        might be hypocrites in the church that they neglect to do righteously themselves.

            2.  The place to start is with the inside.  The way to get the inside changed is in the new birth.

            3.  After salvation, the next step is to watch the motive.

            4.  Also, one should be careful to make sure that what he does is righteous.  He may need to stop

                        some things and he may need to start doing some things.


Preached at Pleasant Hill 7-18-82 A.M.