Matthew 4:1-11 Satan’s Temptation of Jesus


Introduction:  Lucifer was a beautiful, exalted angel of God.  He wanted more.  He wanted God’s position.  He made war against God.  He lost and was cast out of heaven.  In our text, he has another confrontation with one of the God-head.  Only this time it is not with the entire God-head, but only Jesus.  And this time Jesus was at a distinct disadvantage.  (1) He indwelt human flesh with all its weakness:  (2) He had fasted forty days and nights and was at His weakest.  Also, this time it was not a contest of might, but of wits.  In all probability, Satan had tempted Jesus before with ordinary temptations, but this was an all out effort.


I.  The first approach.

            A.  The site was some place in the wilderness. Verse 1

            B.  Jesus had fasted for forty days and nights and was hungered.  Verse 2

            C.  The Tempter came and tempted Him to turn stones into bread.  (Food, a delicious meal). Verse 3

            D.  What would have been wrong in His doing so?       

                        1.  He would have not been depending on the Father to sustain Him. 

                                    (As man, He was to trust in God to sustain).

                        2.  He would have been letting Satan lead Him.

            E.  Jesus answered with scripture from Deuteronomy 8:3.


II.  The second approach.

            A.  The site was a pinnacle of the temple. Verse 5

            B.  He urged Jesus to jump off.  Verse 6

                        1.  He quoted scripture to assure Him that He would not be hurt.

                        2.  He misapplied the scripture, of course.

            C.  The appeal was an easy way to get the people to accept Him as their King. 

                        (The priests working below would see Him floating down and acclaim Him as Messiah).

            D.  Again, Jesus answered with scripture. Verse 5


III.  The third approach.

            A.  The site was a great high mountain. Verse 8

            B.  Satan showed Him all of the kingdoms of earth. Verse 8

            C.  Satan offered Him these things if He would worship him. Verse 9

                        1.  He offered Him all the wealth, power, honor, glory, and earthly pleasures that the human

                                    heart could desire.  (Tempted in all points like as we are tempted).

                        2.  But he asked Jesus to worship him.  (What he wanted all along).

            D.  Actually Jesus would rule the world anyway, but Satan offered a shortcut.

                        1.  He could rule immediately.

                        2.  He would not have to go to the cross.

            E.  Again, Jesus answered with scripture. Verse 10


IV.  What this means to us.

            A.  That we have a Savior.

                        1.  If Jesus had sinned even in the least, He could not be the substitute for sinners.

                        2.  But since He did not sin and since He died for us, we have a Savior. 

                                    (All mankind has a Savior).

            B.  That we have One to help us when we are tempted.

                        1.  Jesus knows how to sympathize with us in our temptations.

                        2.  Since He was victorious, He can help us to overcome temptation. Hebrew 2:8

            C.  That we can count on the promises of God.  (“Man does not live by bread alone” etc.).

            D.  That we should not believe every wind of doctrine.  (The devil quotes scripture and is a deceiver).

            E.  That we should beware of shortcuts to wealth, honors, and worldly pleasures.

            F.  That we do need to worship the true God and Him only. 

                        (Worship Him with all our heart, soul, mind and body).


Conclusion:       1.  Since we have a Savior, we should trust Him for salvation.

                        2.  Since our Savior is our Lord God, then we should worship and serve Him.


Preached at Pleasant Hill 2-14-82 A.M.