#193 Lu. 23:44-46 THE DEATH OF JESUS ON THE CROSS Introduction: In our text today, Luke speaks of several unusual events that transpired in connection with the crucifixion of Jesus. He especially calls our attention to the death of Jesus as He hangs on the cross. He points out some of the details pertaining to His death. I. Some of the unusual things that happened One of the unusual events that Luke calls to our attention is the darkness which came upon the land. Luke said that darkness came on the land from the sixth to the ninth hour. V. 44-45a, "And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened..." The Jews divided the daylight period into twelve hours. As you know, the actual daylight period would fluctuate according to the season of the year. Some days there would be more than twelve hours of daylight and some days there would be less than twelve. But for their own convenience, they always started the count at what we would call "six o'clock in the morning." That would be the first hour of the daylight period. Six hours later would be what we call "twelve o'clock noon." Thus the sixth hour of the daylight period was at noon. It was high noon. This was when the darkness came upon the land. The darkness came upon the land at high noon. This is the time that the sun would normally shine at its brightest. So right at the time when the day would normally be at its brightest, darkness comes over all the land. The darkness which came at the sixth hour lasted through the ninth hour. This was about three o'clock in the afternoon. It came at twelve noon and lasted until about 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Thus this very unusual darkness lasted for three hours. This was something that the people could hardly ignore. It was something that everybody would notice. It was a sign that something ominous was taking place. God wanted the people of the whole land to know that something big was taking place. The man who was being crucified on the center cross is the very Son of God. The Son of God is dieing for sinful men -- for liars, thieves, adulterers, murderers, etc. God had Luke to record this in the Bible so that even today when we read this text we will know that something big was taking place. The very Son of God was being crucified. Now let me say that this was not an eclipse. Jesus was crucified on the Jewish Passover Day and the Jews always held the Passover on the full moon. The full moon is the time when the sun and the moon are on opposite sides of the earth. An eclipse takes place when the moon comes between the sun and the earth. So this could not have been an eclipse. This was a special act of God designed to cause the world to take another look at what was taking place and let the world know that something ominous was taking place. Luke mentions another unusual event that took place in conjunction with the crucifixion. He mentions the veil of the temple being torn. (V. 45), "...and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst." The veil of the temple was the curtain that hung in the temple between The Holy Place and The Most Holy Place. The Most Holy Place represented the very throne-room of God in heaven. Once each year the high priest would go into the Most Holy Place and sprinkle the blood of the Atonement at the Mercy Seat of God, which represented the throne of God. No common man could enter that Most Holy Place. No common priest could enter that place. Only the high priest could enter that Most Holy Place and he could do that only once per year. But Luke says that at the death of Jesus that veil was rent in the midst. Matthew says that it was rent "from top to the bottom" The Most Holy Place was now opened up symbolizing the fact that heaven is now open to any who wish to enter. It is worthy of note that Luke does not say that the veil was rent from the bottom to the top. Rather it was rent from the top to the bottom. This may seem to be splitting hairs, but in the study of the Bible some of the smallest details can be very important. If the Scripture had said that the veil was rent from the bottom to the top, it might appear that men tore it apart. But since it was torn from the top to the bottom, it is obvious that God is the one who tore it. Matthew says that a great earthquake came and that God used that earthquake to rend the veil. God was using this means to tell the people of Israel and the people of the world, that the sacrifice which can take away sin has now been made. The blood of the Old Testament animal sacrifices could not take away the sins of men. They were never intended to atone for the sins of men. All they were ever intended to do was to picture the blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, which can take away sin. So when the Son of God was crucified and His blood was shed, God rent the veil of the temple from the top to the bottom. This was His way of telling the people of all time that there was no further need for animal sacrifices. The blood of the Son of God has now been shed. This is the only blood that can take away sin. God used the darkness of the land to get the attention of the people and He used the rending of the veil of the temple to drive home the point that Jesus Christ, His Son, has shed His blood so that mankind can be saved. Anybody who will come by faith in the shed blood of Christ can come. Any man, woman, boy or girl who wants to do so can now come before the very throne of God in prayer and receive the forgiveness of sin. Anyone who will repent of sin and trust in Jesus Christ as his Savior can be saved. There were other very unusual things which took place in connection with the crucifixion of Jesus which Luke does not mention at all. I have already called your attention to the earthquake which Luke did not mention. Luke likewise says nothing about the rocks of the earth being rent. Not only was the veil of the temple rent, but Matthew says that the rocks of the earth were rent. Neither did Luke say anything about many of the graves around Jerusalem being opened and many of the saints of God being temporarily raised from the graves. II. The death of Jesus Luke gets right back to the dath of Jesus and tells us about the moment of death. V. 46, "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost." Matthew tells us that just before He uttered this cry, He cried out and said, "It is finished." Jesus stayed on the cross until His mission there was finished. He had come to pay the redemption price for the souls of men so that every man who would trust Him as Savior could be saved. He did not give up the ghost until that mission was finished. But once the full redemption price was paid, He cried out to the Father and committed His Spirit into the hands of God the Father. Then He dismissed His Spirit from His body and died. I want you to listen to a verse of Scripture. Rom. 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Jesus suffered the consequences of sin on the cross. He suffered the full penalty of sin. He suffered the penalty of sin even though He never sinned. The death which suffered was not a consequence of His own sins because He had never sinned. The prophet Isaiah said that God laid upon Him the iniquity of us all. Jesus suffered because of our sins. He suffered so that we might be saved from our sins. He suffered death so that we might have life -- eternal life. He suffered death at a time when darkness was upon the whole land in order that His light might shine to all of the people of the world. He suffered the greatest agony so that lost sinners could be saved and could experience the greatest joy. He suffered as an object of the greatest hatred so that He might display to the world the greatest love. He spent those horrible hours on the cross so that lost sinners would not have to spend one minute in the fires of hell. He spent those hours in agony so that men could be saved and spend eternity in the glory of God. III. The choice that man must make Listen, people today did not have any choice in whether Jesus would go to the cross. The Jewish leaders of that day must bear their responsibility for His crucifixion because they chose to demand that Pilate crucify Him. Pilate must also bear his responsibility because he chose to yield to the demand of the Jewish leaders and have Jesus crucified. It was his responsibility to set Jesus free because he knew that Jesus was not guilty. But Pilate gave in to pressure by the Jewish leaders and ordered that Jesus be crucified. However, it was God the Father who made the deciding choice. Before the foundations of the world, God the Father made the choice that He would send His Son, His only begotten Son, to the cross to die for lost sinners so that lost sinners could be saved. But now the people of our day have a choice. Each and every lost sinner must chose whether or not he will trust Jesus as his Savior. That means that as far as your eternal destiny is concerned, you must make the choice. You can either turn to Jesus and trust in Him to save your soul or else you will spend all eternity suffering in the fires of hell. God will not make the choice for you. I cannot make the choice for you. Your mother or dad cannot make the choice for you. This is a choice that you and you alone must make. Another thing I want you to realize is that the choice that you make this morning may be your final choice. Even the saved have a choice to make. The saved person has to make a choice whether or not he will identify himself with Jesus by joining a New Testament church and being Scripturally baptized. Even after joining a church, each church member must make a choice. He must make a choice whether or not he will be faithful to attend church and whether or not to be faithful to live a godly life. Conclusion: If you have never trusted Jesus as your Savior come this morning and trust Him. Come and trust the Lord Jesus Christ and get your eternal destiny settled with God. If you are saved and you have never followed the Lord in Scriptural baptism, then come this morning and present yourself to this church. Come and join this church. If you are saved and you are in need of moving your membership to this church, then come and let your desire be known. If you are already a member and you have not been faithful to serve the Lord, then come and renew your commitment to the Lord.