#156 Lu. 19:10 JESUS COME TO SEEK AND TO SAVE Introduction: In this text Jesus sets forth the reason that He came into the world. He came to seek and to save those who are lost. I. The relation of this statement to our Lord's encounter with Zacchaeus This statement is directly related to His conversation with Zacchaeus. You will recall that in our previous text as Jesus walked along the streets of Jericho a little short man by the name of Zacchaeus climbed up in a sycamore tree so that he could get a look at Jesus. Zacchaeus was the chief of the publicans in that district. Perhaps you will remember that the word, Zacchaeus, means "pure, innocent" and yet Zacchaeus was not at all pure or innocent. He was a sinful man. He had a bad reputation. He was thought of by all of his fellow Jews as a wicked sinner. He, himself, acknowledged that he was a sinner. He acknowledge that he had used his office as tax collector to defraud and cheat citizens out of their money. The implication in the passage is that he had taken much money from them by false accusation and he acknowledged it. This sin was in addition to whatever other sins he had committed. Therefore, when Jesus stopped under the sycamore tree and told Zacchaeus to come down and that He was going to his house the fellow citizens were very critical of Jesus. They thought that one who claimed to be a spokesman for God had no business going to the house of a man who had the kind of reputation that Zacchaeus had. Now let me point out to you that Jesus did not have to give account to these men for His actions. He did not have to give them an explanation of why He would go to the home of a wicked and sinful man. But He did. Jesus wanted them to know why He would go to the home of Zacchaeus. He wanted them to know why He would go to the home of a wicked man. V. 10, "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which is lost." II. The term, "Son of Man" Before we look further at the explanation that Jesus gave His critics, let us take a look at the term Jesus used to refer to Himself. Note that Jesus here spoke of Himself as "the Son of man." You will perhaps recall that the blind man called Him "thou Son of David." That expression, "Son of David," was used to point out that Jesus was a descendant of King David of old. God had made a promise to David that He would send a Savior to the world and that the Savior would be one of David's descendants. That expression, "Son of David," was commonly used by the Jews to identify the promised Messiah, the promised Savior--the Christ. So the blind man called Jesus the Son of David as an expression of his belief that Jesus is the promised Christ, the promised Savior. The term, "the Son of Man," which Jesus here used to identify Himself was much broader term than "the Son of David." "The Son of David" identified Him as a descendant of David whereas the term, "Son of Man," identified Him with the whole human race. It did not specifically identify Him with David's lineage or even as a Jew. This term, "the Son of Man," is, likewise, a much broader term than the term, "son of Abraham." Jesus had spoken of Zacchaeus as being a descendant of Abraham. And it is true that Old Testament prophecy had predicted that the Savior would be born a seed or a descendant of Abraham. But what I want you to see here is that Jesus is using a term to identify Himself which links Himself with all mankind. True, He is a descendant of Abraham and is rightly called by the Apostle Paul in the book of Galatians "the Seed of Abraham." It is true that He is a descendant of David and is rightly so called by the blind man and others in Scripture. But Jesus is also rightly called "the Son of Man" because He came as a Savior for all mankind. He came not just as a Savior for the Jews. He came to seek and to save people of all races of people. Before we leave that expression, however, let me point out to you that Jesus in no way used the expression "Son of Man" to indicate that He would be conceived by a male. The Scripture is too clear on that matter for us to reach that conclusion. The Scripture is very clear in Old Testament prophecy that Jesus would be born of a virgin, Isa. 7:14. It is also very clear in New Testament record that Jesus was conceived in the womb of Mary by the Holy Spirit of God. No male was involved in His conception. He was virgin born and He was Holy Spirit conceived. See Matthew 1:18-23. I repeat: The emphasis that Jesus intended to make in the use of the term, "Son of Man," is that He was born into human flesh. Although He is Spirit God, He was born into the human family to live among men. Although He is Eternal Spirit God, yet His physical life among men began as a physical birth into a human body. Although Jesus never sinned in His entire lifetime, yet He lived in a human body and was tempted to sin just as all men are tempted. The Scriptures teach that He was tempted in every way that other human beings are tempted to sin and yet He never yielded to sin. He was tempted to sin and yet He never had even a desire to sin. He never thought a sinful thought---not one. He never committed a sinful act---not one. He is Holy, Sinless, Righteous, Perfect, Deity God living in a human body. He is the promised Savior, but He is not just the Savior of the descendants of Abraham. He is not just the Savior of the Jews. He is the Savior for all races of people. III. Why Jesus was going to the house of a sinner But now let us get back to the explanation which Jesus gave to His critics because He was going to the house of a sinful man. Jesus said that this is the reason that He came to the world. "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." He went to the house of a sinner because He had come to this world to seek and save lost sinners. Zacchaeus ha been a lost man. They were right in saying that Zacchaeus was a sinful man. He was sinful and he was lost. He was hell-bound. He was headed into the fires of hell. If Zacchaeus had continued the way he was headed, he would ended up in the fires of hell and where he would spend eternity there. That is exactly why Jesus was especially interested in Zacchaeus. Jesus had come to this world to save sinners like Zacchaeus. Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem right at that very time to die on the cross so that lost sinners could be saved. Jesus was going there to suffer on the cross and to pay the sin debt for such men as Zacchaeus so that Zacchaeus could be saved. Jesus had come to save lost sinners. IV. What the people should have seen in the statement Let me point out to you that those critics ought to rejoice that this is so. Jesus, as Almighty Holy Deity God had not come to the world to judge the world for their sin. He had not come into the world to condemn the people of the world for their sin. He would most certainly been just if He had just condemned every man, woman, boy and girl to the fires of hell because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Jesus would have been just if He had condemned Zacchaeus and all of that whole crowd of people and all of the whole world. But Jesus had not come to condemn the world; He had come to seek and to save that which is lost. Jesus was going to the house of Zacchaeus because--as He had explained to Zacchaeus--salvation had come to his house. Zacchaeus got saved that day. Jesus saved Zacchaeus that day. He was going to his house and there was the likelihood that others in the house of Zacchaeus would get saved that very day. If they did get saved--if they ever got saved--it was Jesus who saved them. What the people in that great crowd of people should have done upon hearing this statement from Jesus was to call on Him and ask Him to save them, too. You see, these people who criticized Jesus for going to the house of a sinner were also sinners. It is true that they had not done what Zacchaeus had done. But they were they were wicked sinners just as Zacchaeus was a wicked sinner. Perhaps they never actually took money falsely, but they had most certainly sinned in many other ways. They all stood as guilty sinners before the eyes of God. If they continued as they were they would one day stand before the throne of God as guilty sinners in the sight of God. They would one day be judged by Him and sentenced to the fires of hell. Just as Zacchaeus was on the road to hell, even so, these people were on the road to hell. So when Jesus told them that He had come to save sinner- --when He told them that He had come to save people like Zacchaeus---He was also telling them that He had come to save sinners like them. Every last one of them had the same opportunity that Zacchaeus had. Every last one of them had the opportunity to repent of sin and trust in Jesus and be saved. Every last one of them had the opportunity to stay out of hell. Every last one of them had the opportunity to go to heaven. V. The statement as it relates to all mankind There was no way that anyone could ever be saved without Jesus. No man, no woman, no boy or girl can stay out of hell by being good enough. There is no way that anybody can go to heaven by their won works of righteousness. All are already sinners. All are already guilty before God. All are already sinners in the sight of God. There is no way any man can change his sinful nature by turning over a new leaf and by trying to change his ways. There was no way in this world for anybody to ever get saved except for Jesus to come to this world, be born of a virgin and go to the cross and pay the sin-debt for lost sinners. But Jesus did come. He was born in human flesh. He did go to the cross. He did suffer for the sins of the world. He did pay the sin-debt for every lost sinner. And He wants every lost sinner in the whole world. Jesus wants every lost sinner in the world to turn to Him and trust in Him and get saved. Listen, Jesus not only came to make it possible for men to get saved, but Jesus came to seek them out and try to get them to be saved. Jesus wanted Zacchaeus to be saved. He tried to get Zacchaeus to be saved. Jesus knew that Zacchaeus lived at Jericho. He could have gone to Jerusalem some other route, but He deliberately chose to go through Jericho where Zacchaeus lived because He wanted Zacchaeus to be saved. He wanted all of the other people there in that great crowd to be saved. Jesus still seeks to save those who are lost. He sends the gospel to every man, woman, boy and girl. He wants them all to be saved. Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to convict every man of his guilt and his need of salvation. He wants them all to repent and be saved. Jesus goes to great effort to impress upon the minds of unsaved men, women, boys and girls that they need to call on Him and trust in Him and be saved. Jesus, through the preaching of the word of God, through the testimony of a Christian family member or Christian friend, and through the wooing of the Holy Spirit of God has impressed upon very one of you who is still lost and headed for the fires of hell that you need to get saved. He wants you to get saved this morning. Conclusion: I am going to ask every unsaved person here this morning to come to Jesus and put your trust in Him and get saved. I am also going to ask every one of you who are saved and who have not followed through with Scriptural baptism and church membership to come and petition this church for membership. I am also asking that those of you who are saved hold membership somewhere else and who stand in need of a church home here to come and present yourself for membership.