

    In our text last Sunday we saw a man desperately in need of cleansing.

He was a leper.  Jesus cleansed this man of his leprosy.  In our text today

Jesus tells that same man that he is to be a testimony to others.  As we

proceed in the message, I think you will see that the testimony he would

give about Jesus would leave men without excuse for failing to believe in

Jesus as the Christ.

    There were three specific commands that Jesus gave to this man.


I.  The command to tell no man


    After Jesus healed this man of his leprosy Jesus issued a strange

command.  V.  14, "And he charged him to tell no man: but go, and show

thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing, according as Moses

commanded..."  I said that Jesus gave him "a" command.  Actually, there were

three separate commands in one.  The first command was that the man was to

tell no man that Jesus had cleansed him of his leprosy.  The second command

was that he was to go and show himself to the priests.  The third was that

he was to make an offering in obedience to the law of Moses.

    Now I said to you a moment ago that Jesus gave this man what seems at

first to us to be a strange command.  He commanded the man not to tell

anybody that Jesus had made him whole.  This is the very opposite to what we

might expect.  We would have expected Jesus to tell him to go and tell

everybody that it was Jesus who had made him whole.

    We find it difficult at first to understand why Jesus would tell him not

to tell a soul.  This is especially difficult to understand in view of the

fact that in Luke 3:39 Jesus told the Gadarean man to go and tell everybody

what great things Jesus had done for him.  Why would Jesus tell one man to

tell everybody and tell another man not to tell anybody?

    I do not think that there is any one single thing that answers this

question completely.  Mark 1:45 certainly help.  This verse tells us that

the man did not obey Jesus.  Instead of telling no man he told everybody

that he could.  The result was Jesus had to stop going into that city

because the people would almost mob Him every time He went in.  Instead of

helping the Lord's work in this city, this man was a hindrance to His work

at least in that particular city.  Instead of having a well behaved crowd to

which Jesus could minister, there was an uncontrollable mob gathered around

Him to which He could not minister.  The Gadarean man helped the cause of

Christ by obeying the Lord and telling what great things the Lord had done

for him.  This man did not help the cause of the Lord in disobeying the Lord

and telling what great thing the Lord had done for him.

    Another reason Jesus did not want the man to tell anybody is that Jesus

did not want to get the masses of people so excited about Him being the

Messiah that they would try to crown Him as king.  On a few other occasions

the people did try to do that very thing.  On one occasion they tried to

take Him by force and crown Him as king.

    Another thing that helps to explain why the Lord instructed him not to

tell was because He did not wish to stir up the Jewish leadership against

Him at this time.  It was not yet time for Him to be crucified.  But there

was already some opposition against Him.  Jesus wanted enough attention

drawn to Himself that He would have a crowd of people to minister to, but He

did not want enough stir up the scribes and Pharisees against Him

unnecessarily at this time.

    Still another reason that He told the man not to tell who had cleansed

him from the leprosy and told him instead to go show himself to the priests

is that the priests were the very ones who were trying to discredit Him.

Jesus wanted them to examine the man and to have them to proclaim that the

man really had been cleansed from leprosy before it was told that Jesus is

the one who had cleansed him.  If the priest first publicly acknowledged

that the man really had been cleansed of his leprosy and then it was made

known that Jesus is the one who had healed him, the priests would be put to

silence and would not be able to discredit Him.  The priests and everyone

else would be without excuse for refusing to believe that He is the Christ.

But whatever the reason, Jesus commanded this man not tell, we know that He

had a good reason and the man should have obeyed His command.  Whatever the

Lord commands, He has a good reason for giving that command.  Every man

ought to obey whatever the Lord commands.


II.  The command to go and show himself to the priests


    The second command that Jesus gave to that man was that he should go and

show himself to the priests.  Leprosy was hard to diagnose.  The spots which

would appear on the face of a person as symptoms looked so much like spots

that were perfectly harmless that one had to go to an expert to be able to

tell if he really had leprosy or not.  The priests were trained to be able

to tell the difference between the spots which were caused by leprosy and

those which were harmless.  All people were commanded under the law of Moses

that if they had such spots, they were to go to Jerusalem to the priests who

would diagnose their case.

    This man had gone to Jerusalem and had been diagnosed as having leprosy.

It was now necessary for him to return to Jerusalem and to be examined again

by the priests so that they could officially proclaim him to be free from

his leprosy.  He was free of leprosy whether or not he was ever officially

proclaimed as free.  But until he was officially proclaimed as free from his

leprosy by the priests, he would not be recognized by the general public as

being free.  So this man was to go to the priests to be examined and to

officially proclaimed as free from his leprosy.  Once he had been proclaimed

free of leprosy by the priests and then it became known that Jesus is the

one who cleansed him, all men would be without excuse if they failed to

believe in Jesus as the Christ.


III.  The command to make an offering


    The third command that Jesus gave this man after He cleansed him from

his leprosy is that the man was to make an offering in keeping with the law

of Moses.  In the Book of Leviticus, the law of Moses prescribed that in the

event that anyone's leprosy should disappear then he was to go to the

priests to be examined. If the priests agreed that the man was indeed free

from his leprosy then he was to make certain sacrificial offerings to the

Lord.  This was what God, through the law of Moses, required.  It was right

for any man who was cleansed of leprosy to make these offerings to the Lord.

It was wrong for any man who was cleansed to fail to make them.  Jesus did

not want this man to feel that it would be  alright for him to neglect to do

what God required.  Jesus wanted him to know that He who has been cleansed

is now expected him to do what is right.


    The same thing is true of those who have been cleansed of sin.  Now that

they have been cleansed of sin, they are to start doing right.  They are to

obey the laws of God.


IV.  The testimony to others


    Luke reveals to us why it was particularly important for this man to

carry out these instructions.  Luke wants us to know why it was particularly

important for this man to go to Jerusalem to the priests and to make the

sacrificial offerings that were required of him by the Mosaic law.  (V. 14),

"...for a testimony unto them."   Luke said that this was to be done for a

testimony unto them.

    How was going to the priests to be a testimony?  Luke told the man to go

to the priests and show himself to them and he said that it was to be a

testimony to them.  That is, this was to be a testimony to the priests.  It

was the priests who had earlier examined this man and had seen that he did

indeed have leprosy.  It was the priests who would examine the man again and

see that he was indeed free from his leprosy.  He definitely had it.  He

definitely did not have it now.

    Then when they would learn that it was Jesus who had cleansed this man

from his leprosy, this would tell them something.  It would be a testimony

to them --the priests -- that Jesus really is the Christ as John the Baptist

had said that He is and as many of the people were now saying that He is.

The priests may not believe this testimony and we know for a fact that many

of them did not believe it because many of them were leaders of the

opposition against Jesus.  Never-the-less, they were given a testimony that

would leave them without excuse if they rejected Him as the Christ.

    This would also leave all others without excuse if they rejected Jesus

as the Christ, the Savior of men.  It was well documented that this man had

the leprosy.  No man in that day could claim, as do some of the modern day

skeptics, that this man never really had leprosy at all.  The modern

skeptics claim that he just had something that was mistaken for leprosy.  It

looked like leprosy.  But this is most certainly not the case.  This man had

been diagnosed by experts as leprous.  He really and truly had leprosy.

Furthermore he had it in a very bad way.  Luke said that he was full of

leprosy.  Even the common people who were not experts in the field of

diagnosis could tell that this man had leprosy.  There simply was not a

shadow of a doubt that this man had leprosy and had been healed of his

leprosy by Jesus.  Likewise there should be no shadow of doubt that Jesus is

the Christ.  There was no excuse for any of them to refuse to believe that

Jesus is the Christ.


V.  Men today without excuse


    So it is with men today.  There is no excuse for anyone today refusing

to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, the Savior of men.

There is no excuse for anyone to go on without being saved.  We do not have

that man who was cleansed of his leprosy here with us to be a testimony to

us that Jesus is the Christ, but we do have plenty of testimony.  We have

the testimony of those early disciples who risked their lives to preach that

Jesus is the Christ.  Many of them actually gave their lives rather than to

deny that Jesus is the Christ.  Surely they would not have given their lives

if they had not been sure in their hearts that Jesus is the Christ.

    Another testimony we have is that of angels.  At His birth angels

appeared to shepherds in the field and identified Him as the Savior of men.

    We also have the testimony of God the Father, Himself.  On two separate

occasions, God spoke from heaven and identified Jesus as His beloved Son.

    We have the testimony of the Holy Scriptures.  The Bible absolutely

positively identifies Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God, the Savior of

sinful men.

    We have the testimony of good men, women, boys and girls today.  Some of

the best and most honest people in the world today proclaim Jesus as the

Christ and profess Him to be the Savior of their souls.

    We have the testimony of changed lives today.  Drunkards who have

trusted Jesus Christ as Savior have had their live changed and become sober

men.  Prostitutes who have trusted Jesus Christ as Savior have become clean

moral upright godly Christian women.  Thieves who have robbed and stolen

from others have become honest citizens and have even become generous toward

others wherein once they were selfish.  Hardened sinners who were steeped in

sin have become godly saints of God.  Skeptics, agnostics and atheists have

become promoters of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Hardened criminals have

become godly examples of what a Christian ought to be.  Let me tell you that

there so much testimony that Jesus is the Christ that every man, woman, boy

and girl is without excuse for failing to believe in Jesus and trust Him as

personal Savior.