#32. Luke 5:1-11 JESUS ON A FISHING TRIP



    I think you are all aware that there are men who are professional

fishing guides.  You can go to one of the marinas at one of the big lakes

and hire a man to take you fishing.  He will show you where to catch fish

and how to catch them.  In our text today Jesus is the fishing guide.

    in our two previous texts the emphasis has been on reaching those who

have a need of Jesus Christ.  This is illustrated by the people of Capernaum

bringing their sick loved ones and friends to Jesus that they might be

healed.  It is not difficult to see that as those people were concerned

about the physical well being of their loved ones and friends, even so we

ought to be even more concerned about the spiritual well being of our's.  If

Jesus were physically here on earth and was to be here in our services, we

would do all that we could to get our physically sick family members and

friends to the services that they might be healed.  Well, Jesus is not here

physically, but He is here spiritually.  We ought to be just as concerned--.

No we ought to be far more concerned about our loved ones and friends who

are lost in sin and headed for the fires of hell.  We ought to do all that

we can to get them to our services so that they can hear the gospel of Jesus

preached so that perhaps they will be saved.

    Then in our text last Sunday we heard the people of Capernaum plead with

Jesus that He would not leave Capernaum, but that He would stay right there

with them.  We also heard the answer of Jesus.  Jesus said that God had

sent Him to go to other cities and villages that there He might preach the

gospel of the Kingdom of God.  So it is with us.  As God the Father had sent

Jesus to go out to others who were lost in sin to carry the gospel message

to them, even so Jesus has sent us.  In John 20:21 Jesus said, "As my Father

hath sent me, even so send I you.  We are sent to every creature in all the


    In an attempt to carry out this command this means that we are to

personally go and carry the gospel to as many as we can.  It means also that

we are to help to finance the way for those who are going to places that we

cannot get to.  The whole wide world is the area that we are to carry the

gospel to.  Every man, woman, boy and girl in the world is included in the

group that we are to carry the gospel to.


I.  Jesus, setting an example in fishing for men

    In our text today Luke looks back to the time when Jesus called out His

first disciples to become fishers of men.  He looks back to the time when

Jesus first came to Capernaum to be a fisher of men, Himself.

    Luke goes into a lot greater detail than any of the other gospel writers

in telling of this event.  As we study these Scriptures we will see several

things that Matthew did not tell us.

    Let us look at our text.  V. 1, "And it came to pass, that, as the

people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of

Gennesaret."  Right off the bat we see something that Matthew did not tell

us.  Matthew says nothing about Jesus preaching to a crowd of people there

on the seashore.  But He was and it must have been a pretty good sized crowd

of people because Luke says that they pressed in around Him.  The Sea of

Gennesaret is better known to us as the Sea of Galilee.

    V. 2, "And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were

gone out of them, and were washing their nets."  The fact that the fishermen

were on the shore washing their nets means that they had already finished

their fishing trip.  According to Matthew, Jesus had earlier watched them

casting their nets into the sea, but now their fishing trip is over and they

are washing their nets and getting them ready for the next fishing trip.

    V. 3, "And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon's, and

prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land."  We will see as

we go along that Simon Peter obliged Jesus in this request.  We will see

also that, having finished washing the nets, Simon brought the nets back

into the boat before pushing the boat away from the shore.  But at this time

the nets were not to be used.  Jesus was at this time busy preaching to the

crowd of people which had gathered along the shore and the purpose of moving

into the boat and away from the boat was just to give Him a better vantage

point from which to preach.  (V. 3), "...And he sat down, and taught the

people out of the ship."

    Now this may seem strange to you that Simon Peter and his brother,

Andrew whom Matthew mentions but whom Luke does not mention at all, would so

readily give Jesus the use of their boat.  But John tells us that these

brothers had been in Judea when John the Baptist identified Jesus as the

Messiah.  Andrew had actually been present when John identified Jesus as the

Messiah.  He and another disciple spent most of that day visiting with Jesus

and talking to Jesus.  Later Andrew brought his brother, Simon Peter, to

Jesus informing Him that John had identified Jesus as the Messiah.  Now

Andrew and Peter had already believed in the Messiah even before they saw

Him.  They had believed in Him under the preaching of John the Baptist and

had been baptized by John the Baptist.

    So having already trusted in the Messiah under the preaching of John the

Baptist, having already been baptized, and having already had the person of

Jesus identified to them by John the Baptist as the Messiah, it was no

problem for them to surrender the use of their fishing boat so that He could

better preach to the people along the seashore.


II.  Jesus, going fishing with His disciples


    V. 4, "Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out

into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught."  Now I feel certain

that the crowd of people had not left.  They must have still been standing

along the shore.  But Jesus was finished with the message that He had for

them to hear at this time and so He quit and instructed Simon Peter to carry

the boat out into the deeper water.

    That is not surprising, because this was the easiest way of getting away

from the crowd that was still on the shore.  What is surprising is that He

instructed Simon Peter to let down the nets into the water.  We can be sure

that Jesus was not primarily in fishing for literal fish.  He was primarily

interested in fishing for men.  But He told them to let down the nets.

    V. 5, "And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the

night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the

net."  From the human point of view, there was no use in the world of

letting down the nets.  It would appear to be just wasted effort.  After all

these were professional fishermen.  They had fished all night in the very

best fishing spots.  If they had not been able to find any fish, what chance

would they have of catching fishing by just haphazardly letting down the


    V. 6, "And when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitude of

fishes: and their net brake."  Now you understand that their net did not

tear completely up.  In the main it still held together.  But there were so

many fish in the net that it did break some of the thread--some of the


    V. 7, "And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other

ship, that they should come and help them."  Their partners were, of course,

James and John, the sons of Zebedee.  They were in the other fishing boat

very close by and they were called to come and help gather in the fish there

were so many.

    (V. 7), "...And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began

to sink."  Now ordinarily in a boat this size several men would be able to

stand on one side of the boat without any danger of capsizing the boat.  But

there so many fish that the boats had now sunk deep into the water and if

much weight was put on either side of the boats they would dip down into the

water and water would overflow into the boat.  That is exactly what

happened.  In the process of taking in all these fish, too many men got on

the same side of the boat and that caused them to take in water.  Actually

this happened in both of the boats.  They, of course, immediately adjusted

the weight so as to stop taking on water.  In getting the boats to the

shore, they had to very careful not to tip the weight to either side.  They

had to keep the boat very evenly balanced or they would take in more water.

    V. 8, "When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying,

Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord."  Now at the first, this

request seems very surprising and very much out of place.  It would seem

that, as a fisherman, it would be very much to his advantage to have Jesus

around all the time telling him where to let down the nets.  And the way he

said it makes it sound as if he were unhappy with the Lord.

    But after due consideration, we can see that Simon Peter meant no

disrespect whatsoever.  To the contrary, he was very much awed by the might

and majesty of our Lord.  Simon Peter was aware that he, himself, was a very

sinful creature and he felt that he had no right to stand in the presence of

Deity God.  He was actually very frightened by the presence of the Holy God

in the boat with him.  He was afraid that God would immediately bring

judgment on him because of his sinfulness.

    V. 9-10, "For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the

draught of the fishes which they had taken:  And so was also James, and

John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon.  Now right here

it stands out very sharply that Luke makes no mention of Andrew, Simon

Peter's brother.  Andrew was there.  Matthew says that he was, but Luke

makes no mention of him whatsoever.

    (V. 10), "...And Jesus said unto Simon.  Fear not..."  Simon Peter had

been afraid because he was aware that he was a sinful man in the presence of

Almighty God.  That is, he was in the immediate presence of Almighty God.

Man is not so frightened by the fact that God sees his sin as long as he can

feel that God is way off somewhere.  That does not seem to pose an immediate

threat.  But when sinful man is aware that he is in the immediate presence

of Almighty God he is frightened.

    Jesus assured him that he should not fear.  Let me ask you "Why?"  Why

was it that a sinner could stand in the immediate presence of Holy God and

not be in danger?  How is it possible for a sinful man to stand in the

presence of God without being in danger of being severely punished for his

sin?  The answer is that Simon Peter had already believed in the Christ of

God as his Savior.  He had trusted in the Christ under the preaching of John

the Baptist.  That is the only way that any man can stand before without

reason to be afraid.  If one has trusted the Christ as his Savior then there

is no longer any reason to fear.  His sins are all forgiven and there is no

danger.  But let me tell you that every person who has not trusted the

Christ as Savior has every reason in the world to be afraid.  We do stand in

the presence of God whether we can see Him or not.  The danger is very real

whether one is aware of it or not.


III.  Jesus, calling the disciples to be fishers of men


    Jesus had not displayed His great power to Simon Peter in order to

threaten him.  Jesus had displayed His great power in order to encourage

him.  You see Jesus had a work for him to do.  Jesus was about to call upon

Simon Peter to do the work that He had for him to do and Jesus was seeking

to encourage him to do that work by demonstrating His great knowledge and

power.  Either Jesus knew just exactly where those fish were in that lake or

else He had used His Almighty power to put them there.  Probably there was a

combination of both.  Such great knowledge and power on the part of Jesus

should encourage Simon Peter to do the work that Jesus was calling him to


    What was the work that Jesus was calling on Simon to do?  He was

calling on him to fish for men.  He was calling on Simon to spread the

gospel of the kingdom of God to men, women and children that they might be

saved.  You can see that the Holy God is a lot more desirous of cleansing

sinners from their sin than He is in punishing them for their sin.  Peter

was fearful that he would be punil you to go and let down the gospel nets where I tell you to

let them down and you will catch men."


IV.  The disciples' response to His call


    V. 11, "And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all,

and followed him."  The calling to be fishers of men was not just to the

Apostle Peter.  It was to them all.  And all surrendered to the call.  They

forsook all in order to answer that call.  They forsook their fishing boats.

They forsook their nets.  They forsook their fathers, who could most

certainly use them in the business.  They forsook even this great load of

fish and left them to their fathers to see that the fish got marketed.

They forsook all and followed Jesus.


V.  The call of the Lord to men today


    Now listen.  God is not calling on every Christian to give up their

means of livelihood in order to go into the gospel ministry.  In fact, He is

not calling every Christian to the ministry.  He is calling some to the

ministry and He wants those whom He calls to surrender to the call.  He may

want you to continue with your secular work for a while so that

you will have a means of livelihood until He makes arrangements for you to

have a means of support in the ministry.

    But even though God is not calling every Christian to the ministry, He

is calling on every Christian to spread the gospel message to others.  There

are a lot of people to whom you can witness about Jesus Christ, the Savior.

These people need the gospel message.  They need you to be a witness to them

about Jesus.  Some of them will go to heaven as a result of your witness if

you will tell them about Jesus.  Some of them who could go to heaven will go

to hell if you fail to witness to them.  If you will go fishing for Jesus,

you will find that Jesus will go fishing with you.  He will be there with

you to be your guide and to help you to fish for men.  You cannot do it

alone, but He will go with you.

    But God is not only calling men to preach the gospel and calling on

every Christian to spread the gospel message, but God is calling on every

unsaved person to repent of his sin and trust in Jesus Christ and be saved.

The whole purpose of calling men to preach and the whole purpose of asking

every Christian to witness to you is to try to keep you out of the fires of

hell and to take you to heaven.  God wants you to be saved.  Through the

preaching of His word He is calling on you to get saved.  Through the

personal lives an personal testimony of Christians the Lord Jesus Christ is

calling upon you to trust in Him to save your soul.  Through the working of

the Holy Spirit of God which accompanies our witness to you, God is calling

on you to repent of your sin and get right with God.

    Please, please listen to God.  Please, for your own sake, acknowledge

you sin to God and ask Him to forgive you.  Please, please talk to the Lord

and ask Him to have mercy on your soul and to save you from the fires of

hell.  Ask Him to keep you out of that place and to be gracious and to let

you into heaven.  You don't deserve to go there, that's true.  None of us

do.  But ask God to be gracious and to save you soul any way.




    I am going to call for our musicians to come forward at this time for

the invitation hymn.  I am going to call upon every unsaved person in this

congregation this morning to get right with God.  I am going to call upon

you to lift your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ and to trust Jesus to save

your soul.

    Then I am going to ask you to step forward as we sing this invitation

hymn and to make your faith in Jesus Christ known to us.  God does not want

us to be ashamed of Him.  He wants men to make their faith publicly known so

that all can see that Jesus is still in the saving business.  Want you step

right out and come forward and make your profession made known to us?

    There are Christians here whose hearts God may have already touched to

let you know that He would have you to come forward and to present yourself

for membership here in this church to better serve Him.  God will not speak

to you out loud and tell you to walk the aisle and join this church, but He

will somehow let you know down in your heart that this is what He would want

you to do.  If God has so moved upon your heart then I am going to call upon

you to come forward and to unite with us.

    There may be someone here today whom God has called to publicly preach

the word of God as I have done here to you today.  It has been quite a while

since someone has come forth and said, "God has called me to preach."  I

cannot help but wonder if the reason is that somebody has heard the call but

simply has not surrendered to it.  If God has not called you, I certainly

would not ask you to say that He has.  But if you are sure in your heart

that God has called you then I am going to call on you to step forward and

to surrender to that call.  The disciples in our text set a good example for

you to follow.  Won't you come?