110 John 14:21 THE MANIFESTATION PROMISED TO THE LORDS PEOPLE Introduction: In verse 15 Jesus said, "If ye love me keep my commandments." In verses 16-18 Jesus promised to pray to the Father and that He would send another Comforter to take His place with the disciples after He returns back to heaven. In verses 19-20 Jesus promised that before He returns back to heaven He would show Himself to His disciples after He had risen from the grave. In this text Jesus promised to manifest Himself to the person who loves Him and who keeps His commandments. I. A statement which preceded the promise Before Jesus is asked the question, He first made a statement. V. 21, "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me..." The Amplified version of the Bible translates it, "...(really) loves Me..." You will remember that back in verse 15 He said, "If ye love me keep my commandments." Now He says that if anyone really loves Him, he will keep His commandments. A genuine love for Jesus will not allow an individual to ignore the will of God for his life. If he really loves Jesus he will, at least, seek to please Jesus in the way he lives. He will seek to obey the commandments of Jesus. This does not mean that he will live a sinless life. Far from it. But he will make a sincere effort to live his life to please Jesus. He cannot just shut the will of the Lord out of His mind. It bothers him when he knows that he has displeased the Lord and he makes a conscious effort to do better. This is a change in his heart that has come about because of the new birth. It is because he has trusted Jesus as his Savior and his inward spirit has been born again. The unsaved person does not have this kind of love for Jesus because he has not been born again. He loves himself, he loves the world and he loves the pleasures of the world. But he does not love Jesus. It takes the new birth for one to have a genuine love for Jesus and a willingness to make sacrifices in his life just in order to please Jesus. II. A promise of the love of God the Father (V. 22), "...and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father..." God the Father loves His Son, Jesus Christ. Therefore, God the Father is very well pleased when an individual loves His Son Jesus Christ and seeks to obey Jesus Christ. I think that you who are parents can identify with this. You find it easy to like people who like your child. But if they dislike your child you find it hard to like them. When God the Father sees that someone really loves Jesus and wants to please Jesus in all he does then God loves that person with a special love. God loves everybody, but He loves the person who loves Jesus with a special love. III. The promise of Jesus manifesting Himself to them (V. 22), "...and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him." Not only does God the Father have a special love for the person who loves Jesus, but Jesus, Himself, has a special love for the person who loves Him and seeks to obey His commandments just because he loves Him. Jesus said that He loves that individual and that He will manifest Himself to that individual. That is what this text focuses upon. It is about the promise of Jesus to manifest Himself to the individual who loves Him and seeks to obey Him. IV. This promise not fulfilled in the post resurrection appearances of Jesus Jesus had already told His disciples that He would manifest Himself to them after His resurrection. That is, He would appear visibly to them in the flesh after His resurrection. He would appear to them before He would make His return to heaven. He would manifest Himself to them visibly so that they would see Him in His resurrected body. Yet apparently Jesus meant more in this text than that He would appear to them after His resurrection. He meant more than that He would manifest Himself visibly to His disciples before returning back to heaven. If this manifestation was all He meant then the great majority of His disciples would have no manifestation at all. The majority of the Lord's disciples were not even born at that time and they had no chance to see Jesus in the flesh at all. They most certainly have not seen Jesus in His resurrected body. Yet in our text Jesus promised to manifest Himself to all who love Him and obey His commandments. Jesus had also already told His disciples that He would pray and ask the Father to send another Comforter like unto Himself to be with them. That is, He had promised that the Holy Spirit would come upon the church after His departure. Through the presence of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, Jesus Himself would be with them. He would be with them to lead them and guide them and to oversee their work. In other words, after He is gone and would no longer be seen by them physically, but He would manifest Himself to them spiritually through the presence of the Holy Spirit upon His church. In this manifestation, Jesus would not be with them physically nor would He be visible to physically. They would not see His body. They would not even see a vision which would display an image of His body. He did not promise that they would see an image of Him in the clouds nor an image of Him on the door of a building. He did not even promise them that they would see an image of Him on a burial cloth. But He did promise them that the living powerful Holy Spirit would be with them. V. The coming of the Holy Spirit on the church at Pentecost not the fulfillment of this promise Jesus also promised that through the presence of the Holy Spirit with His church, in some mysterious way, the very living presence of the Almighty Son of God would be with them. This promise was to be fulfilled on the day of Pentecost following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. As we look back on it now, it has already been fulfilled. The second chapter of the Book of Acts gives a record of this event. There was a visible manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the cloven tongues of fire that lit upon each of the disciples in that room. There was an audible manifestation of the Holy Spirit in the sound as of a rushing mighty wind that filled the room where they were. But the Holy Spirit Himself remained invisible to them and, likewise, the body of Jesus remained unseen to them. The body of Jesus was not present with them. The body of Jesus was on the throne of God in heaven. It was the unseen Holy Spirit of God who was present with them in power enabling them to do the work which Jesus had assigned. He gave the church special miraculous gifts which would not abide with them forever, but which served a very useful purpose in that time before the Bible was completed. He gave them three special gifts which would abide or remain with them after the Bible would be completed. He would be with the church to be to them all that Jesus had been when was present with them physically. He would lead them, guide them, strengthen them and enable them to do the work that Jesus had assigned the church to do. In some mysterious way, Jesus Himself would continue to be with His church leading them, guiding them comforting them and empowering them, enabling them to live holy lives in a sinful world. This was a special manifestation of Jesus to His Church. Even so, the presence of the Holy Spirit of God has remained with each New Testament church down through all the years. The same Holy Spirit of God that was upon the church which Jesus left at Jerusalem is upon the Pleasant Hill Missionary Baptist Church in this community today. He does not give out miraculous gifts today, but He could and He would if that were God's plan for this age, but it is not.