109 John 14:19-20 THE PROMISE OF SEEING THE RISEN SAVIOR Introduction: In our text last Sunday Jesus promised the disciples that God the Father would send them another Comforter in His stead. In our text today He promises them that they will see Him again after His resurrection. The unsaved world would not see Him, but His disciples would. I. The world not to see Jesus after His resurrection V. 19, "Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more..." The time for the crucifixion of Jesus was very close at hand. It would take place in a matter of hours --- less than twenty-four hours. Jesus and His disciples had already observed the Passover Supper. At the beginning of that meal Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. Then they ate the Supper together. About the close of the Passover meal Judas Iscariot left and went out to betray Jesus into the hands of the Jewish leaders. Jesus had been in the temple daily right in the midst of His enemies, but they did not dare to lay hands on Jesus there because Jesus had been very popular with the common people. The Jewish leaders were afraid to touch Him in public. Then when Jesus would leave the temple at the close of the day, He would disappear into the great masses of people who filled Jerusalem and all the surrounding villages at the Passover season. It was impossible for the Jewish leaders to follow Him in those crowds so that they could arrest Him out away from the crowds. But now Judas Iscariot was on his way to them and would offer to lead them to Jesus at an isolated spot away from the crowds of people where they could arrest Him without interference from the crowds. Judas knew that Jesus would stop at the Garden of Gethsemene on His way to the village of Bethany. Gethsemene was located on Mt. Olives near the village of Bethany. It was there that Judas would lead those would go out to arrest Jesus. Jesus and the other disciples remained for a short while in Jerusalem after Judas left and Jesus instituted the Lord's Supper. Later in the night He would be arrested. He would be brought back to Jerusalem for trial. In the next daylight period He would be crucified. Once Jesus was crucified and His body buried, the public at large would not see Jesus any more until Jesus returns to earth at the end of the age. All men will, of course, see Jesus in judgment. The saved will be judged by Him at the Judgment Seat of Christ and the unsaved will be judged by Him at the Great White Throne Judgment. But what Jesus is talking about in this verse is that the public would not see Him in that period of time between His crucifixion and His resurrection. They would not see Him even after He arose from the grave. They could see the empty tomb, but they would not see Jesus. II. The disciples to see Jesus after the resurrection (V. 19), "...but ye see me..." In contrast to the general public who would not be allowed to see Jesus after His resurrection, Jesus told His disciples that they would see Him. That is, they would see Him after He was resurrected. There would be three days in which His body would lay in the grave and they would not see Him. But after three days and three nights He would come forth from the grave they would see Him. The three women, the three Marys, would be the first to see Him. They would go to the tomb very early on Sunday morning for the purpose of anointing His body. Instead, they would find the tomb empty and they would see Jesus in the garden and they would get to talk with Him. Jesus would send a message by them to the disciples that He has risen and Peter and John would rush out to the tomb and would also see Him and talk with Him. Later when a group of disciples were gathered together inside a locked building, Jesus would appear in their midst without anybody unlocking the door to let Him in. He would make several other appearances to His disciples. Later at Galilee over 500 of His disciples would see Him at one time. His last appearance to them would be out at Mt. Olives where in full view of them He would rise up into the air and go away into the heavens. They would even see two angels who would inform them that this same Jesus would come back to this earth in like manner as He had gone away. So at the time that Jesus spoke the words of our text, the world, the public, would see Jesus only for a few hours longer, but the disciples had the promise that they would see Him again after He has come forth from the grave. III. His resurrection the basis of the Christian's hope It is in view of His resurrection that Jesus makes this next statement in the later part of this verse. (V. 19), "...because I live, ye shall live also." The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the basis for the Christian's hope of his own resurrection. Death is a commonly known fact. The time had not come for those disciples to die, but there was no doubt in their minds that they would die. This is true with us. We have not yet died. We are still living, breathing human beings. But the time of death for all of us is almost a certain thing. The only thing that could prevent our death would be for the Lord to come so that we would be caught up to meet Him in the air without having to die. The Scriptures declare that it is appointed unto all men once to die and after that the judgment, Heb. 9:27. There is no chance that medical science will make such great advances that any of us will live forever in our flesh and blood bodies. There is no hope that science will make such advances that scientists will be able to raise our bodies back to life again. There is no hope that scientists will discovered some means by which they can bring us back to life again. The Scriptures speak of two resurrections that are ahead for mankind. In Scripture one is the resurrection of the just and the other is the resurrection of the unjust. The only way that any human being -- man, woman, boy or girl -- can be in the resurrection of the just is to trust in Jesus Christ for the salvation of the soul. It is because Jesus would arise from the grave that those disciples could have the assurance they, too, would be raised from the grave and would live forever in glory with the Lord. It is also our hope of being in the resurrection of the just. It is our only hope, but it is a sure hope. IV. Some things which the disciples would know after they see the resurrected Jesus V. 20, "At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father..." The disciples would see Jesus again after His resurrection from the grave. When that time would come and they would stand face to face with Jesus and they would know for certain that Jesus had arisen from the grave that they would also know for certain that Jesus is a part of the Godhead. They already believed Him to be the Son of God. They already believed that God the Father had sent Him and authorized His ministry. They already believed that Jesus is the Christ of God, the Savior of men. But after they had witnessed His death on the cross, and after they had witnessed the fact that He has risen and stands before them alive after Thomas has been invited to thrust his hand into the hole in the side of Jesus then they would know for certain that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. They would l know that He is a member of the Godhead, the Savior of the world. They would no longer just believe these things to be true; they would know for certain that they are true. (20), "...and ye in me, and I in you." This statement can be understood only in light of the other Comforter which Jesus had promised that God the Father would send. It is through the work of the Holy Spirit that the believer is in Jesus Christ. It is also through the work of the Holy Spirit that the believer is in Christ. They could hear and believe this to be true even now, because Jesus said that it is true. But if, by chance, Jesus should never arise from the grave, they would have reason to doubt that He is the Christ and that the things He had told them are true. But when the time would come that they would see Jesus arisen from the grave, they would know for certain that He is the Christ, that He is in the Father as He said, that they are in Him, as He said, and that Jesus is in them, as Jesus said. Seeing Jesus after the resurrection would give the disciples a tremendous boost. It would lift their spirits. It would challenge them to go forth to a lost and dying world and tell them about Jesus Christ the Son of God who came to this world and died on the cross to save lost sinners. It would challenge them to live their lives in obedience to His teachings. V. Some observations that we may make But looking back upon it now, we can see that the time would come when even the disciples would not see Jesus. At least they would not be able to see His human body. After He would rise up in the air and go away from Mt. Olives they would see Him no more until they themselves would die and also go away. But even though they would not see Him, yet they still had that consolation that because He lives they will live also. They would live out their whole lives on earth without seeing Him again with their eyes, but they would see Him every day with the eyes of faith. They would know in their hearts that Jesus lives. They would know in their hearts that they serve a living Savior. Furthermore they would know in their hearts that when they breath their last breath and leave this old world behind, they would go into the Paradise of God and there they would once again see the risen Savior. Also with the eye of faith they would be able to look ahead to the time when Jesus Christ, would call their own bodies from the grave and they would see Him once again with their physical eyes. They will see Him as they gather around Him somewhere up in outer space. They will see Him as He rides a white horse and comes on down to the earth and defeats the armies of the Anti-christ. They will see Him as He sits upon the throne in Jerusalem and rules the world for a thousand years. After the millennium is over they will see Him as He sits upon the throne of God in the Holy City New Jerusalem. They will make frequent visits to that city throughout all eternity and when they do, the highlight of their visit will be seeing Jesus on His throne. In fact, the highlight of all eternity will be their privilege of seeing Jesus and bowing before His throne and worshipping Him who died on the cross that they might be saved. Even the unsaved will see Jesus in the end-time events, but it will not be pleasant. The Bible declares that every eye shall see Him and that every knee will bow before Him. The unsaved will see Him at the White Throne Judgment. I do not know if they will see the scar in His side where the spear pierced His side, but they will see also the nail prints in His hands. And since they will see the nail prints in His hands I assume that they will see the nail prints in His feet and the thorn prints in His brow. They will be able to see how much Jesus loved them and how much He suffered for them that they might be saved. In that day there will not be any doubt in their minds. in that day whether or not there is a God. There will be no doubts as to whether of not Jesus is Deity God. There will be no doubt as to whether or not He is the Christ. The number one question that will plague their minds in that day is: "Why, oh why did I not turn to Jesus and place my faith in Him and be saved when I had a chance?" The number one question in the minds of us Christians will be, "Why, oh why did I not give my best to Jesus when I had a chance?" There is one more thing I want to call to your attention before I call for our musicians to come and lead us in an invitation hymn. I want to point out to you that we Christians are somewhat in the same boat as the unsaved were right after Jesus arose from the grave. Jesus had arisen from the grave, but those who were unsaved did not have the privilege of seeing Him. Even though we are saved, we have not yet had the privilege of seeing Him, except by the eye of faith. Yet in our hearts and minds, we are just as certain that He did come forth from the grave than we would have been if we had been there to see Him. We have the very word of God to confirm that He is risen. We know He arose from the grave because the very word of God tells us that He did. And with the eye of faith even now we can look upon His face. But even though we have never seen Him with our eyes, we have a great advantage all over those who are unsaved. When the time will come when we will see our Lord face to face and it will be on friendly terms. Jesus will not say those dreaded words to us found in Matthew 25:41. We will not hear Him say, "Depart from me ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." Instead we will hear Him welcome us into His blessed kingdom. Conclusion: Who will come today and place their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation? What saved person will come and seek a closer relationship with Jesus Christ? What Christian wished to come and unite with our church?