91 John 12:34-36 TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE SAVED Introduction: When Jesus arrived at Jerusalem to attend the Jewish Passover, the city of Jerusalem was bursting at the seams with Jews from all over the nation of Israel and from several foreign countries around. Jesus had recently raised Lazarus from the dead at Bethany just two miles from Jerusalem. Several thousand people accompanied Him into Jerusalem proclaiming Him to be the promised Christ and the King of Israel. When they entered into the city the larger crowds who were already there from all over the nation also became excited about the prospect of having Jesus as their king. Therefore, virtually the whole nation of Israel was ready to crown Him to be their king. They were ready to acknowledge that He is the promised Messiah, the Christ of God. However, they were not ready to accept Him as the God sent Savior of the souls of men. They were ready to accept Him only as the Christ who could save their nation from Roman rule, but they were not ready to accept Him as One who could save their souls. The spirit of the crowds who wanted Him as their king were dampened, however, when Jesus announced that He had not come to their city to become their king. Rather, He had come there to die. He announced to them that He would be lifted up from the earth, which the people correctly understood to mean that He would be crucified. This was the manner in which He would be put to death. He would not only die, but He would die a death of shame. There was no greater disgrace in Israel than to be crucified. I. The people challenging the words of Jesus In our text today the people challenge the words of Jesus. V. 34, "The people answered him, We have heard out of the law that Christ abideth for ever..." Note the wording of their challenge. They said that they had heard out of the Old Testament law that Christ would abide or live forever. They had heard the Jewish rabbis read such passages as Psalm 110:4 which proclaims the Christ to be a Priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. They had also heard the rabbis explain that this means that the Christ, Himself, must live forever in order to be a priest forever. They had heard the rabbis read such passages as Isaiah 9:7 which speaks of the Christ being given the throne of David on which He would rule forever. They had heard the rabbis explain that the Christ would have to live forever in order to rule from the throne of David forever. And, of course, these Scriptures are true and they most certainly do teach that the Christ will live forever. But this left a question in their minds: (V. 34), ... and how sayest thou, The Son of man must be lifted up?..." They wanted to know, "How can you claim to be the Christ if you are going to be crucified? How can you claim to be One whom the Scriptures teach will live forever when you tell us from your own lips that you are going to die? You tell us that you are going to be crucified. How can this be?" They thought to themselves, "There is no way this man can be the Christ if He is going to be crucified. He has got to be wrong one way or the other. If He is the Christ, He cannot be crucified. On the other hand, if He is going to be crucified, He cannot be the Christ." This was their thinking. Now actually they were absolutely correct in thinking that the Old Testament scriptures teach that the Christ will live forever. They were right about that. The problem is that they failed to consider other Old Testament scriptures which teach that He would be put to death. For instance Isaiah chapter 53 foretells the death of the Christ. Isaiah 53:5 speaks about Him being wounded for our transgressions. Verse 6 speaks of the iniquity of us all being laid on Him. Verse 7 speaks about Him being brought as a lamb to the slaughter. Verse speaks of Him being cut off from the land of the living. Verse 9 speaks of His grave being with the wicked and with the rich. How much plainer could the scriptures speak of His death? How could these people miss such plain teaching from the scripture? Especially, how could the rabbis miss such plain teaching about the death of the Christ? It seems so simple now for us to answer their question about how He could be the One who lives forever and yet go to the cross and be crucified. You see, we know that He would be raised from the dead. We also know that HE did not intend to be crowned as king at His first coming. We now know that He would not rule from the throne of David until the millennium. Then after the 1000 years of the millennium is over, He will continue and rule forever in the New Earth from the throne in the New Jerusalem. Therefore most of those men who had been almost persuaded that Jesus is the Christ became totally persuaded that Jesus cannot be the Christ. The reason that they are so convinced that He cannot be the Christ is because they think that He cannot be the Christ if He is to die on the cross. It is in a spirit of irony and mockery that they direct heir next question to Jesus. They do not ask in sincerity. They ask in ridicule. They ask, (V. 34), "...who is this Son of man?" They spoke as if they thought He was talking about someone other than Himself as being the Son of Man. . It is as if they were saying, "Surely you cannot talk about you being crucified if you are claiming to be the Christ." Yet they knew that He was talking about Himself. They knew that He was claiming Himself to be the Son of Man. Back in verse 32 He said, "And I, if I be lifted up..." The emphasis in that verse is upon Himself. They knew that He was saying that He would be crucified. They were merely poking fun at Him by asking who HE was talking about. at this point. They were not asking a sincere question. II. The answer which Jesus gave the people Instead of giving a direct answer to their questions Jesus gave an indirect answer. That is, He made a statement which would seem to be totally off the subject, but which, in reality would answer their questions and erase their doubts if they would only heed His advice. V. 35, "Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you." You will note that there is no question mark at the end of that sentence. This means that this is not a question; it is a statement of fact. Jesus was re-affirming the fact that He would be crucified. He was also implying that He would ascend back to heaven from which He came. He who is the Light of the World would no longer be with them here on earth. He would go away to heaven from which He had come. Jesus was not saying that they could not be saved after He was gone. He was not saying that it would be impossible for them to get saved after He was gone. Rather He was saying that their best opportunity to be saved was now while He was yet with them. Their best opportunity of getting saved was while the Light was yet with them. They could see Him and hear Him. Jesus counseled them, (V. 35), "Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth." Jesus was using an illustration from life that was very familiar to all of them. They did not have the modern electric lights like we have. They did not have flashlights nor automobiles with a battery and a generator. At night the best they had was a lamp or candle in their homes and a torch if they were traveling. Even then they were sometimes caught out at night without a torch and they just had to stumble along in the dark. It was so much better to do whatever walking or work they had to do while there was daylight. Even so, if they waited until He was gone it was going to be very difficult for them to turn to Him and get saved. By that time the Jewish leaders who oppose Him would regain their influence over the minds of the people and it would be very difficult for the people to break from that influence and trust in Him and get saved. Now would be their best opportunity. It was an opportunity of a lifetime. It was an opportunity to avoid the fires of torment. It was an opportunity to gain an entrance into heaven. It was an opportunity to guarantee that they would make it to heaven. Listen to what He urged them to do. V. 36, "While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. These things spake Jesus, and departed, and did hide himself from them." In other words, Jesus was saying to them, "While you have such a good opportunity, get saved! Get saved while you can! If you put it off and keep on putting it off you will soon find that all of your opportunity is gone!" III. One thing of which I am confident Listen, I am confident of one thing. If those same people had that same kind of opportunity to be saved today, they would not hesitate one minute. If they could be present here in this service today and hear this sermon they would not hesitate one second to step out this morning and place their faith in Jesus Christ. They would not wait for a second verse of the hymn. It would not make any difference to them whether or not anybody would be critical. If they only had another opportunity to be saved, they would not let that opportunity pass. Conclusion: Listen, their opportunity is past. It will never return. Your opportunity is here now. It is an opportunity of a lifetime! Do not let your opportunity pass. Come today and place your faith in Jesus Christ and be saved. Come to the Light and become a child of the Light. If you are already saved, then let me appeal to you, "Walk in the light and serve the Lord while you have opportunity. Your opportunity to serve the Lord in this world is swiftly passing away.