89 John 12:31 THE JUDGMENT OF THE WORLD DRAWING NEAR Introduction: Jesus had announced to the great crowd who had gathered at Jerusalem for the Passover that He was drawing near His death. In our text today He makes another very vital announcement. I. What did Jesus say was about to take place? V. 31, "Now is the judgment of this world..." Jesus announced that the judgment of the world was about to take place. This means that the people of the world were about to be judged. (V. 31) "...now shall the prince of this world be cast out." Jesus also announced that the prince of the world was about to be cast out. This means that Satan was about to be cast out. Satan is said in Scripture to be "the prince and power of the air." He is also said in Scripture to be "the god of this world." He is not the Creator God. He is not the rightful. Jehovah God is the Creator God and the rightful Sovereign of the world. Satan is one of the false gods. He has usurped authority over the world which does not rightfully belong to him. This leads to some questions which are difficult to be answered. Jesus does not give us all of the answer in this text. We are going to have to search the Scriptures and find the answers in the over-all teachings of the Scripture. II. In what sense was the world about to be judged? Let me first point out to you that Jesus was not saying that the time had arrived when the saved people of the world would be judged and rewarded. That judgment is usually called "The Judgment Seat of Christ" and it will take place in end-time events. In that judgment the saved will not be judged to determine whether or not they would go to heaven. That question was settled when the repented of their sin and trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation. Let me also say to you that Jesus was not saying that the final judgment of the unsaved was about to take place. That judgment is usually called "The Great White Throne Judgment" and it, too, will take place in end-time events. This judgment will not take place until after the Great Tribulation is over and even the millennium will be over. It is said in the Book of Revelation that a Great White Throne would appear and that the earth and heavens will flee away. The unsaved dead of all the ages will be raised and brought before the Great White Throne to be judged. They will not be saved to determine whether or not they are saved. All who are judged in this judgment will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. They are already judged as guilty before God and they already stand condemned before God. They will be judged in order to determine just what the punishment of each person will be. They will be judged, sentenced and cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. I would also point out to your that Jesus was not saying that "The Judgment of The Nations" was about to take place. This is a judgment which will take place after the Great Tribulation and at the opening of the millennium. The purpose of this judgment is to determine who will go alive in their fleshly bodies into the millennium. But Jesus did say that the world was to be judged and He said that this judgment was about to take place. It was near at hand. But the question is: In just what sense was the world about to be judged? Again I say that we will have to search the Scriptures and let the Bible give the answer to the question. We are not to use wild imagination. We are to compare what Jesus has said here with what is taught in other passages of Scripture and come up with Biblical answers to the question. This judgment is to be understood in the light of what Jesus had already earlier announced to this great crowd of people. He had announced to them that He was about to be put to death. He was about to go to the cross and be crucified. In Isaiah 53:6 it is said, "All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all." That is, all mankind has sinned. We have all gone astray by sinning. We have all turned our own way. We are all guilty. This Scripture says that "the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all." All of the people of the world has sinned and the Lord, the Lord God the Father, has laid on Him, the Son of God, the iniquity of us all. At the crucifixion of Jesus God the Father would lay on Jesus the iniquity of the whole world. Furthermore, on the cross God the Son, would suffer the penalty for the iniquity of the whole world. In the death of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary the sins of the whole world were judged and paid for. Thus, Jesus suffered the full penalty so that the guilty sinners would not have to suffer that penalty. In order for the guilty sinner to be free from the penalty of his sins, God requires that he repent of his sins and trust in Jesus to save him. If a sinner repents of his sins and trusts Jesus for salvation then the suffering of Jesus counts as judgment of that sinner's sins. Therefore, he will not be judged in The Great White Throne Judgment because judgment for his sins has already taken place and accounted to him by his faith in Jesus. Potentially, every sinner in the world could be saved. The whole world was judged and the whole world could be saved if only they would trust in Jesus Christ the Savior. But the sinner who does not repent of his sins and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation that sinner must yet be judged before The Great White Throne because he has not been cleansed from his sin. He will not need to be judged to see if he is saved or lost. He is already judged and he already stands as guilty before God. He is already condemned. He is still condemned because he is already a sinner and has not trusted in Jesus Christ to be saved from the penalty of those sins. John 3:18 says, "He that believeth on Him is not condemned; but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God." He will be judged at The Great White Throne and cast into The Lake of Fire and Brimstone. III. In what sense would Satan be cast out? (V. 31), "...now shall the prince of this world be cast out." Jesus was not saying that Satan's influence in this world would be over when He died on the cross. Jesus died on the cross nearly two-thousand years ago and Satan is still active in this world today. As one writer has said, "Satan is alive and well on planet earth." All that one has to do to see the evidence that he is still active in the world is to read the newspapers, watch the news or just look about him. There is plenty evidence that Satan still exercises a great deal of influence in the world today. Neither was Jesus saying that at His crucifixion Satan would be cast into The Lake of Fire and Brimstone. The time will come when he will be cast out finally. He will be cast out into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone never to plague the world again. He will be imprisoned there forever. But Jesus did say that Satan would be cast out at the time that He would be crucified. That brings up the question: In what sense would Satan be cast out at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus? That question is partly answered in this: In His crucifixion on the cross Jesus laid the groundwork for the final judgment and the final casting out of Satan. The groundwork for the final doom of Satan was laid when Jesus was crucified and arose from the grave. If Jesus had not arisen from the grave then Satan would have been victorious. But the resurrection of Jesus from the grave spelled the downfall of Satan even though his final downfall has not yet taken place. The question is also partly answered in this: By His death on the cross Jesus brought an end to Satan's dominion over the sinner who repents and trusts in Jesus. In John 8:36 Jesus said, "If the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." That believer is no longer under the dominion of Satan. Satan can still tempt him and Satan will continue to tempt him. Satan may even entice him into yielding to the temptation. But Satan can no longer have dominion over that man because he has trusted in Jesus. He is free from the dominion of Satan. He is forever free from the dominion of Satan. Conclusion: Whatever judgments are to take place in the end-time events are getting closer and closer at hand. Would you like to get your judgment for your sin over with now? Would you like to get it over with in such a way that you will avoid being judged in The Great White Throne Judgment and avoid being cast into The Lake of Fire and Brimstone? If so then place your faith in Jesus Christ the Son of God to save your soul. Trust Jesus to save you by counting to the suffering which Jesus did on the cross to take care of your sin. Who will come? If you are already saved and desire to yield your life to Jesus in some special way then come this morning and let the Lord have His way with your life. Who will come?