

    Jesus told Nicodemus that one must be born again to enter the

kingdom of God.  Nicodemus at first thought Jesus meant that it

would be necessary to re-enter mother's womb and be physically

born again.  Jesus explained that a physical rebirth is not

necessary.  Rather, one must be re-born spiritually.

    Nicodemus then inquired how a spiritual new birth could take

place.  Jesus said that as Moses lifted up the brazen serpent in

the wilderness and put it on a pole, even so the Son of man must

be put on a pole and lifted up.  That is, He must be crucified.

    He explained further that in the wilderness when anyone was

bitten by a serpent, if he would look at the serpent on the pole,

he would not die.  He would live.  Even so a lost sinner can look

to Christ, who was to die on the cross, and by trusting in the

Christ he would live.  He would live with everlasting life.  This

is the same as saying that he would be born again and enter the

kingdom of God.  He would not go to hell; he would go to heaven.

    Our text today is a continuation of that thought.  Verse 16

states that it was God's love for man which motivated Him to send

His Son to die for the sins of man and provide a way whereby all

sinners could be saved.


I.  The extent of God's love


    V. 16, "For God so loved the world..."  The word "for," as

used in this verse, means "because."  Jesus is explaining why God

chose to send His Son to the world and why He sent Him to the

cross.  God sent His Son to the cross because of His love for

mankind.  The Son of man, who is also the Son of God, must be

lifted up on a pole -- He must be crucified -- "for" or "because"

God loved the world.

    The word "God," depending on how it is used, can refer to all

three of the Holy Trinity as a group, or, it can refer to any

particular One of the three.  In this verse, it has reference to

God the Father.  It was God the Father who sent His Son into the

world to die for the sins of man.  It was the love which God the

Father has for all mankind that prompted Him to send His Son to

the cross.

    The word "world," as used in this verse means the people of

the world.  God loved the people of the world.  This does not at

all mean that God condones or approves of the sinfulness of man,

but it does mean that God loves man in spite of man's sin.

God is a Holy God and His Holiness never allows Him to condone

sin.  It never allows Him to ignore a man's sin just because He

loves the man.  A parent may overlook the wrong doings of his

child because he loves his child.  But God will never overlook a

man's sin just because He loves the man.  God sees every sin and

every sin must be punished.

    Yet God loves the world in spite of the sin.  He loves every

sinner in the whole world.  He loves all the people of all the

world.  He loves all races.  He loves all classes: the rich, the

poor, the educated, the uneducated, the talented and the

non-talented.  He loves those who live clean moral lives.  He

loves those who commit the very vilest of sins.  He loves the

thief, the drunkard, the dope addict, the prostitute, the

homo-sexual, the hardened criminal and even the murderer.


II.  The intensity of God's love


    Jesus said that God "...so loved world..."  The word "so" in

this verse signifies intensity and greatness.  It speaks of the

intensity and greatness of God's love.  God loved lost sinners so

much that He would not be content -- He could not be content

without doing all in His power to save them from the curse of

sin.  Therefore, God made the supreme sacrifice for the souls of

men.  He gave His Son, His only begotten Son that men might be


    V. 16, "...that he gave his only begotten Son..."  The term

"only begotten Son" refers to the only person ever to be

conceived in the womb of woman by the Holy Spirit of God.  Jesus

was born into the family of Joseph and Mary.  He was conceived in

the womb of Mary, but He was not conceived by Joseph or by any

other man.  He was conceived in the womb of Mary by the Holy

Spirit of God.  Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.

    Jesus had told Nicodemus that every man needs to be born

again.  He must be born again by the same Holy Spirit which

conceived Jesus in the womb of Mary.  But the new birth of a

sinner is not a physical birth.  A lost sinner is not conceived

in the womb of his mother to be re-born physically.  He is

re-born in the inward spirit when he looks to Jesus and places

his faith in Jesus to save his soul.

    Every person who is born again is a child of God and in

Scripture he is called a "son of God."  But that new birth was a

spiritual birth only.  Jesus is the only person ever in all the

history of the world who was conceived physically in the womb of

a woman by the Holy Spirit of God.  He is the only person ever to

be virgin born.  He is the Only physically born Son of God.

    God so loved lost sinners that He sent His Only Begotten Son

into the world to live the perfect sinless life.  He lived

totally without sin from the manger to the grave.  He lived

without sin from His first breath to the last.

    Because He lived totally without sin, He could be the

substitute for those who are guilty.  As the One who had no sin

of His own, He could take upon Himself the sins of others and

suffer the penalty of their sins.

    He not only could, but He would.  He would live the sinless

life and go to the cross of Calvary and die in the stead of

guilty sinners.  He would suffer sufficiently on the cross to be

the substitute for every sinner.

    Yet God could not and would not save any sinner without a new

birth.  The sinner must be born again.  He must be changed on the

inside.  His sinful inward spirit must be changed into a sinless

spirit.  It must be made new.  Changing one's outward conduct

would not be sufficient.  Turning over a new leaf would not be

sufficient.  Joining a church would not be sufficient.  Being

baptized would not be sufficient.  None of those things would

change the inward spirit.  There is no work that a man can do

which will bring about that inward change.  A total new birth for

the spirit within is necessary or else he would never enter

heaven.  One must be born again.

    I said that there is no work that a lost sinner can do to

bring about his new birth.  Thus there is no good work that he

can do to bring about the salvation of his soul.


III.  The promise of salvation to the sinner who trusts in Jesus


    Yet there is one thing he can do.  There is no work that he

can do to get saved, but he can trust in somebody else to do the

work for him.  He can trust in Jesus Christ to save him.  V.16,

"...that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have

everlasting life."  The word "believe" is this verse is used in

the sense of "trust."  He can believe in Jesus -- he can trust in

Jesus to save Him.

    In this text God makes a promise to the lost sinner.  If the

lost sinner will place his trust in Jesus then he will not

perish.  He will not go to hell.  He will be given everlasting

life.  He will go to heaven.

    I want you to note that one can trust in Jesus without

joining a church.  Therefore, he can be saved without joining a

church.  One can trust in Jesus Christ without being baptized.

Therefore, he can be saved without joining a church.  Just as

surely as he has trusted in Jesus Christ, just that surely he is

not condemned and just that surely he has everlasting life.

There are some who would have us to believe that we must be

baptized in order to be saved, but the Bible teaches that if one

trusts in Jesus he is saved whether he ever gets baptized or not.

You just keep in mind that Jesus said that anyone who would trust

in Him would not perish, but have everlasting life.  That means

he will go to heaven.

    I want to point out something else to you that is taught by

this verse.  It teaches that God would like to save everybody in

the whole world.  If everybody in the world would trust in Jesus

Christ then everybody in the world would be saved and nobody

would go to hell.  That is exactly what God would like to happen.

    But God will not force anyone to place his faith in Jesus.

That is a choice that the individual must make.  If one will not

place his faith in Jesus Christ to save his soul then that person

will not be saved.  He may turn over a new leaf, but he will not

get saved.  He may be baptized and join a church, but he will not

get saved.  He may do all manner of commendable works, but he

will not be saved.  If a man will not trust in Jesus he will not

get saved.

    Let me bring this text right down to you and see how this

text applies to you.  If you have already trusted in Jesus Christ

as your Savior then you are already born again.  You are already

saved.  You are on your way to heaven.

    If you have not already trusted in Jesus Christ you are not

saved.  You have not been born again.  You are not on your way to

heaven.  You are on your way to everlasting torment.

    If you are not saved and if today you will look to Jesus and

place your faith in Him to save your soul, then Jesus will save

you today.  He will send the Holy Spirit into your soul to

produce the new birth and give you everlasting life.  You will be

born again and you will be on your way to heaven.  Trust Him

today and you will be saved today.  Trust Him right now and you

will be saved right now.

    On the other hand, if you are not saved and if you will not

trust Jesus today, the chances are that you will never trust Him

at all.  If you do not trust Jesus today, then in all likelihood

you will live the rest of your life without ever trusting Jesus

as your Savior.  The Bible says that now is the day of salvation.

Now is the accepted time.  If you do not get saved today, you may

never get saved at all.

    That is why it is so very important that every person here

today who is not saved should call on Jesus today and trust Him

to save his soul.




    I am going to ask our musicians to come forward and we are

going to sing a hymn.  I am going to ask that if you want Jesus

to save you and keep you out of hell that you look to Him at this

time and trust Jesus as your Savior.  Would you stand and bow

your heads?  While our heads are bowed, I am going to ask you to

talk to Jesus and tell Him that you want Him to save your soul

and ask Him to save you.  Ask Him to have mercy on you and to

cleanse you from every sin so that you can go to heaven.  Will

you do that right now as we pray?

    Now, if you have trusted Jesus as your Savior, would you come

and make a public acknowledgment that you have trusted Jesus to

save your soul?

    There may be saved people right in this auditorium today who

would like to come forward to unite with this church.  If so,

would you come?