78 Acts 14:11-18 MANS NEED TO WORSHIP Introduction: In our previous text the Apostle Paul and Barnabas fled from Iconium to the city of Lystra. As they started to enter the gate of the city they encountered a beggar who was lame in his feet. He had been cripple from birth. After the Apostle Paul talked to him and witnessed to him about Jesus, he called for the man to stand to his feet and the man did. He was miraculously healed. In our text today we see how the people of the city reacted to the miracle. They sought to worship Paul and Barnabas as gods. Paul and Barnabas, of course, sought to persuade them to worship the God of heaven instead. In this text we get a good idea about man’s need to worship. I. Paul and Barnabas considered to be gods V. 11, “When the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men.” The gate of this city, like all gates of all large cities in those days, was a busy place. There were almost always people around. The government of the city was at the gate. The market place was at the gate. So when the man was healed and saw him leap to his feat and start walking around, they got excited. They knew this man and they knew that he had been cripple from birth. They knew that a work had been done by a great supernatural power. So the news spread quickly and people from all parts of the city gathered to see what was going on. Almost all the people reached the same conclusion. They reached the conclusion that Paul and Barnabas were not human. They concluded that they were gods from heaven who had come down to earth in the form of men. As you know, Paul and Barnabas, were not gods. They were two preachers, two missionaries, who had come to Lystra to bear witness of One who is Deity God and who had, indeed, come down to earth in the likeness of man. They came to witness about Jesus. Yet Jesus did more than come in the mere likeness of man. Jesus came as a man. He was Deity God born of a human mother. He was born a human being, a little child, who grew up into manhood, a fully grown man. Jesus is real God and He is also real man. But the people of Lystra thought Paul and Barnabas were gods. Furthermore they thought that of all the many gods that they believed existed they knew which gods Paul and Barnabas were. V. 12, “And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker.” Jupiter and Mercury were names given to two of the heavenly bodies, two planets which the astronomers of that day had observed and named. However, the astronomers did not consider them to be planets. They believed them to be gods. According to their religious belief, Jupiter was the older god and Mercury was his son. Furthermore, they believed that Jupiter was quiet and reserved and that Mercury was very talkative. He was an eloquent speaker. So they immediately jumped to the conclusion that Paul was Mercury because he was the talker. The thing that made it so easy for them to believe that Paul was Mercury and that Barnabas was Jupiter was that it was commonly believed in Lystra that Jupiter and Mercury had already made an earlier appearance in that city. So they viewed Barnabas, the quieter older man to be Jupiter and they believed Paul, the younger man who was an eloquent speaker, to be Mercury. In their minds, the miraculous healing of the lame man cinched it. There felt positive that these two preachers were gods. II. An attempt by the priest of Jupiter to make a sacrificial offering to Paul and Barnabas V. 13, “Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city...” Luke said that the priest of Jupiter was before the city. What this means is that there was a temple built to Jupiter was just outside the gate of the city. The priest of Jupiter was present there at temple when the miracle took place. It was believed that Jupiter was the protector of the city of Lystra. It is possible that the priest of Jupiter may have actually seen the miracle take place. It is more likely that he was inside the temple and that he was quickly informed about the miracle. Being that close, however, he must have seen the man leaping and walking after he had been healed. So even the priest of the temple of Jupiter was convinced that Barnabas and Paul were Jupiter and Mercury. So he quickly set about to make a sacrificial offering to them. (V. 13), “...brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people.” The word, oxen, is plural, and so we know that he brought more than one ox. Since he thought he would be making sacrifice to only two gods, it is likely that he brought only two oxen. The garlands were wreaths made of branches and flowers. Tradition has it that they usually placed the wreaths on the heads of the animals which would be sacrificed. However, it is said that sometimes they would place the garland on the statues of the god to whom the sacrifice was made. It is likely that since they thought that the gods were physically present that they intended to place the garlands on the heads of Paul and Barnabas, themselves. III. The objections of Paul and Barnabas V. 14, “[Which] when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard [of], they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying out.” Paul and Barnabas were deeply disturbed by this turn of events. They rent their clothes. In that day this was an action that all people recognized as a sign of being deeply disturbed. This should have also disturbed the people. Since they thought that Paul and Barnabas were gods, it should have been upsetting to the people to know that their gods were disturbed and displeased at them. This action should have caught their attention and made them stop to find out what was so disturbing to Paul and Barnabas. In addition to Paul and Barnabas tearing their clothes, they ran among the people crying out to them and urging them to stop. V. 15, “And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you..” The idea is that they were shouting to the people and telling them that they were not gods. They were just humans like the people. (V. 15), “...and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God...” In essence they were saying, “We don’t want you to worship us. We are here to call you to turn from the worship of all idol gods and that includes us. We are here to call upon you to worship the true and living God. (V. 15), “, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein.” “We are here to call upon you to worship the God who created the heaven and the earth. We are here to get you to worship the God who made the sea. We are here to get you to worship the God who made all things and is the ruler over all things.” V. 16, “Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways.” The word, suffered, as used here means “allowed, permitted.” Paul and Barnabas said that the real God, the true God has allowed the Gentile nations to worship idol gods, but He never approved of such worship. He merely tolerated it. V. 17, “Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.” The Old Testament writings, including the law books, the history books , the prophets, and the poetic books had all been given to the nation of Israel. The New Testament had not yet been written. Therefore it might seem at first that the Gentiles were left without a witness concerning God. But Paul pointed out one thing that all the world, including the Gentiles, had for a witness concerning the true God. The goodness of God to send the rain and give the harvest was a constant testimony of the goodness of God. God send the rain on the just and God sent the rain on the unjust. He sends the rain on the Jew and He sends rain on the Gentile. God’s goodness to all is a testimony to all of His love and mercy for all. The Gentiles were without excuse for their rejection of God and their worship of false gods. V. 18, “And with these sayings scarce restrained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them.” Finally--- finally Paul and Barnabas were able to restrain the priest and the people and keep them from making a sacrificial offering to them as gods. I think that must have been a great relief. IV. The need of man to worship God has placed a built-in inclination deep down on the inside of every man to worship God. The purpose that God had in placing this instinct within man was to cause every man to worship the True and Living God. The Bible says that God desires that every man repent. God wants each person to repent and to place his faith in Jesus Christ and be saved. Man needs to worship God. He needs to repent of his sin to God. Without repentance, Jesus said that he would perish. Man needs to trust in Jesus Christ for salvation so that all his sins may be forgiven and so that he will go to heaven when he dies. But Satan has led some men to stifle that inward need and inward tendency and persuaded them to deny the very existence of God. No man is an atheist by birth and natural instinct. Every man has the inward inclination to worship, but under the influence of Satan some men have made a deliberate choice to reject the idea of the existence of God. An atheist is an atheist by choice. He chooses to be an atheist. So every man needs to yield to his natural inborn instincts and to worship God. But the mere worship of a god is not enough. Every man needs to worship the true God. He does not need to worship the heavenly bodies such as the planets of Jupiter and Mercury. The planets are inanimate objects. They do not live. They have no power hear and answer prayer. They have no power to help in time of trouble. They have no power to forgive sin and save the soul. They do not have the power to keep one safe in the judgment and to carry one to heaven. Man does not need to worship gods that he has made with his hands. He does not need to worship gods that are made of wood or stone or silver or gold. These idol gods may be fashioned so that they have ears, but they cannot hear when you pray. They may be fashioned so that they have eyes, but they cannot see you or know you. They may have hands and arms, but they cannot help you in the time of your need. They cannot put food on the table nor clothes on your back nor make you well when you are sick nor comfort your heart when you are bereaved or distressed. Neither does man need to worship his fellow human beings. They are living beings, but they are living beings who are sinners and who need to be forgiven. They cannot cleanse a man of his sin so that he man stand uncondemned in judgment. They cannot save the soul. Rather they need to be saved. The one and only God whom man needs to worship is the God who made this entire universe and rules over it. Man needs to place his faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He needs to place his faith in the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world. Jesus said, “No man cometh unto the Father but by me.” That is, no person can go to heaven without first placing his or her faith in Jesus Christ for salvation of the soul. Man needs to worship God by believing in the truths of God’s Holy Word. In John 4:24 Jesus said, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth. Man needs God to watch over him and help him even while he is in his mother’s womb. Man needs God in all of the various stages of his life. He needs God to put food on the table. He needs God to give him air to breath, water to drink, a shelter over his head and clothes on his back. He needs God to hear his prayers help him with all of the many problems that he faces every day of his life. He needs God to forgive his sin and to cleanse him of all unrighteousness. He needs God to produce the new birth. He needs God to take him to heaven when he dies. He will need God to raise his body from the grave. He will God need when he stands before God in judgment. He will need God to make sure that he does not wind up in The Lake of Fire and Brimstone. God calls upon all men to repent of his sin and to call upon Jesus Christ and trust Jesus Christ to save his soul. But God leaves that choice to the individual. Conclusion: To you who are unsaved God gives you opportunity now to trust in Jesus and be saved. He will not extend that privilege to you forever. You need to take advantage of the opportunity while you can. Will you do so? To you who are saved, God gives you the opportunity to follow Jesus in baptism, to be a member of a New Testament church and to worship and serve God faithfully.